109666 - Does a hidden meaning lurk within the number?

Does the <b>666</b> in 109<b>666</b> mean anything?
Hardly. The real question at hand here is not concerning the last three digits of my researcher number.
It is, however, why it is that I'm forced to live a life with a researcher number at all?
This problem extends back to ancient times when movies such as, "The Gods Must Be Crazy" and "The Gods Must Be Crazy II" were barely even a blip on the eternal timeline of the history of the universe. (For future reference, the beginning of the timeline to the exact moment in which production of "The Gods Must Be Crazy" began would also mark the moment that a cup of mineral water would come to a boil at an altitude of 35,001,183,391 meters. (For future reference, I'm an American, I view a meter as hardly a replacement for a yard. (For future reference, I lied. I hate the bloody English system and if the French want to take over the world with their b*****d metric system I wish them all the luck in the world.)) Stay tuned, there will be a test on this later.)
On second thought, no. The problem does not extend back that far. Closer observation reveals it was merely a few Saturdays ago.
But still, why the number? As a member of society (Editor's note: A RELUCTANT member of society), I hardly find it fair that instead of being called some unimportant nickname, I'm forced to resort to a fantastically unremarkable number as my one true sign of identification to fall back on in the event my unimportant nickname fails me at one point or another.
You, on the other hand, probably consider this rant sophmoric and stupid.
Admittedly, it is. But that's no reason at all to suggest that this rant was screwed to begin with. Had I been a devil worshiping Satanist (is that redundant?), I would have basked in the glory that is my researcher number. But do I worship the devil? Am I a Satanist? (There goes that redundancy again.) Am I basking in the glory that could be myself with jet-black hair, gothic clothing and an abundance of shiny pointy things pertruding from my neck? Will this introduction EVER end?
The answers and more can be found by sending $30.00 to the following address:
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Introduction Rant Continuation Fund<BR/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;PO Box 251<BR/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Port Angeles, WA<BR/>
I thank you,<BR/>
Researcher 109666

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Not SpudBoy

Researcher U109666


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