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I actually wanted to write something here

Post 21


A friend of mine at work just sent me this:

>>>"Measurements of the melting point of a solid can also provide information about the purity of the substance. Pure, crystalline solids melt over a very narrow range of temperatures, whereas mixtures melt over a broad temperature range. Mixtures also tend to melt at temperatures below the melting points of the pure solids."

I take this to mean that if we remain pure and solid we will stand less of a chance of melting today no matter how hot it gets.<<<

Of course, my first thought was, 'Man, am I screwed!'

I actually wanted to write something here

Post 22


It's most definitely lethally hot in some places. I just returned from +30C and discovered +10C waiting at home. smiley - sadface Why can't there be a reasonable balance? smiley - wah

smiley - tomato

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I actually wanted to write something here

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