This is the Message Centre for Ottox
Language Thing Update
The Language Thing Started conversation May 21, 2004
I'm in the process of updating the Language Thing - A1145477 - and part of the update will involve cutting the member list. I'm messaging all people on the list, so send me a reply if you'd like to stay on. If I don't hear from you within a month, I'll assume you don't want to be relisted.
Joe C (Editor, h2g2 Language Thing)
Language Thing Update
The Language Thing Posted Jun 7, 2004
I haven't heard from you, so I've taken your name off the list. This account will now be unsubscribed from this thread. If you'd like to be relisted, go to the Language Thing page (link above) and rejoin
Joe C
Editor, h2g2 Language Thing
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Language Thing Update
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