This is the Message Centre for Ottox

how old am i?

Post 1

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Yo Ottox, my buddy & pal smiley - cool

I seem to recall that you were once able to tell researchers, when they first posted on h2g2. am i right, and if so, can you tell me when I had my debut?

smiley - pirate

how old am i?

Post 2

Titania (gone for lunch)

Oooo... I know the answer to that - can I reply? Can I?smiley - bigeyes

I'll reply anyway - Ottox has beaten me to other things, so...smiley - winkeye


You're soon-to-be 4 years old!smiley - cool

how old am i?

Post 3

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

thank you, this makes me feel so young smiley - wow

which is a good thing at my age, you know smiley - winkeye

smiley - pirate

how old am i?

Post 4


Good thing Titania is lurking here when I can't be bothered to log in myself. smiley - winkeye

Not that she actually answered the question, but that might be because it's (almost) impossible to answer.

Anyway, I think her answer was right and that it was the question that was wrong.

smiley - nahnah

No! I can't tell you when you first posted. But it's true that you registered 27/1 2000 (a Thursday) - so happy belated birthday! smiley - cheers

To be more precise, you registered a few minutes past 11 in the morning, and about three quarters of an hour later you activated your userpage, A254242. smiley - spacesmiley - ok

Don't ask! smiley - winkeye

how old am i?

Post 5

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

of course the question was wrong. this is hootoo, right? smiley - tongueout

the day titania answered i was able to "find myself" by activating "her" link and stepping back a few times. now it seems inmpossible smiley - huh

doesn't matter though. i've made a mental note to myself about where to find the note where i wrote when i was here first smiley - silly

thank you both - and i won't ask

smiley - pirate

how old am i?

Post 6


If you use Titania's link and then click on the links for older and newer registrations, you can work your way through a list of people who have registered the last 48 months. As you're now a bit more than 48 months old, you would have to change the URL to be able to find yourself. At the moment <./>NewUsers?unittype=month&timeunits=49&skip=600&thissite=1&Filter=haveintroduction</.> shows you, but it might only be a few hoursbefore you'll have to use the 'Older Registrations' link to find your name. And in a month you will have to change 49 to 50, otherwise it won't work.

I won't work either! smiley - tongueout

But I have to, so I better go to bed....

how old am i?

Post 7

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

will you be in geneva next week? i will

smiley - pirate

how old am i?

Post 8


I guess I won't. smiley - winkeye

how old am i?

Post 9

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

that's what i call a qualified guess smiley - tongueout

i thought you were living in geneva. wonder where i got that idea from smiley - huh

anyway, geneva was fine - as was lausanne and vevey plus annecy and chamonix in france, so all in all it was a great week

sorry i didn't get the chance to meet you and sunny. maybe some other time? who knows? maybe this summer in estonia?

now that i think about it, i'll never get the chance to meet all the researchers i know in real life anyway and we've already met once. then again there are some researchers that i have already met twice (shazz, towelmaster, kheldar and bossel to name a few)

oh well

smiley - pirate

how old am i?

Post 10


"i thought you were living in geneva. wonder where i got that idea from"

Maybe because I'm so good at French? smiley - tongueout


But then I'm not especially good at German either. smiley - erm

how old am i?

Post 11

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

maybe we should swap cities? my german isn't what it used to be, but i can still understand it

on second thought: nah, i prefer living here. 20 years in germany was enough smiley - winkeye

smiley - pirate

how old am i?

Post 12

Titania (gone for lunch)

I'm not sure how much you'd be able to understand the 'German' they speak in Switzerland, Pierce!smiley - biggrin

how old am i?

Post 13

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

you've got a point there, but then every german south of - say, hangover - can be pretty darn hard to understand smiley - erm

i get by though - as any other north german smiley - tongueout

smiley - pirate

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