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the code
Jerk Gently in The USA Started conversation Aug 10, 2003
i tried to cut and paste the code and nothing seemed to happen
the code
Ottox Posted Aug 11, 2003
Erm... which code?
If you mean the 'h2g2 code' on my space, you might like to see A863516.
the code
Jerk Gently in The USA Posted Aug 16, 2003
thats too much stuff for me to absorb, whats all this stuff for, whats it do? I just want to know how to cut and paste so I can put some pictures from the library in my intro.
the code
Jerk Gently in The USA Posted Aug 16, 2003
nevermind I figured it out, no need to roll your eyes. Id add a smiley but Im not famiiliar with all the faces yet. I am still having a bit of a problem with cut and paste still though.
the code
Jerk Gently in The USA Posted Sep 7, 2003
please help me, I want a personalized greeting for visitors to my space and I also want my chicken picture but I keep gettin bad ending messages when I try to have both. I havent gotten the greeting to work on its own either, just the chicken
the code
Ottox Posted Sep 7, 2003
I'm a bit nervous about the picking brain thing.
Oh well...
When you say personalized greeting, do you then mean a text that includes the name of the person reading your page?
Then you need to use the VIEWER tag. That's actually one of the easiest thing to do in GuideML. Just write something like:
Hello , and welcome to my page!
I would use a code like this:
Hello , and welcome to my page!
First and last there are the and tags which are necessary for all pages written in GuideML. Then there's the chicken picture (where I've removed the ALT -text just to make the example easier to look at here in this conversation. It's fine to leave it in!)
And then I've written the text including the tag and put it inside tags to make a new paragraph under the picture.
You can see how it looks at A1168896.
I don't know if you know some small practical tricks. If you want to see the code for a normal entry, you can change the URL to say testXXXXXX instead of AXXXXXX. For example <./>test1168896</.> instead of A1168896.
To do the same for a userpage, write testuserpageXXXXXX instead of UXXXXXX, for example <./>testuserpage237333</.> instead of U237333.
(You're of course also welcome to look at <./>testuserpage150740</.>, but there's a lot of stuff in the code that you don't see at the moment. I've hidden several things from old versions of my page inside comment tags (<!--comment-->, so it might be rather confusing if you don't have good knowledge of HTML/GuideML)
To make a long post even longer...
If you wonder how I made the links for the test pages, I used another little trick. Normally it would just say test1168896 if I write that, but I put some small tags around it that made it a link. Like this - just without the spaces:
< ./>test1168896</. >
And finally: Just shout if you need more help. But you can also have a look in the <./>GuideML-Clinic</.>, where each tag is explained at it's own page. For example the picture tag in <./>GuideML-PICTURE</.>, the paragraph tag in <./>GuideML-P</.>, and the viewer tag in <./>GuideML-VIEWER</.>.
You can also have a look at Kristina and Titania's page "Spicing Up Your User Page" at A690518, which explains the basics in a simpler way than the Clinic.
Good luck and see you soon!
the code
Jerk Gently in The USA Posted Sep 8, 2003
I did it! I did it! Look at me! *jumps up and down with joy!!!* I knew someone would be able to explain how to do it so I could understand. Everyone is invited to chicken dinner. Bring your cuz youll all need sumpin to wipe the chicken fat off your faces
the code
Jerk Gently in The USA Posted Sep 11, 2003
yup, now Im stuffing my page with pictures and links, tho I am avoiding cutting/pasting and simply typing in the whole spiel for the pics
Thanks for your help
the code
Jerk Gently in The USA Posted Sep 20, 2003
Before you go look again, it's new and improved!!
I cant believe you're leaving, but the reason is good enuff for me, but can't you take the comp with you???
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the code
- 1: Jerk Gently in The USA (Aug 10, 2003)
- 2: Ottox (Aug 11, 2003)
- 3: Jerk Gently in The USA (Aug 16, 2003)
- 4: Jerk Gently in The USA (Aug 16, 2003)
- 5: Ottox (Aug 27, 2003)
- 6: Jerk Gently in The USA (Sep 7, 2003)
- 7: Ottox (Sep 7, 2003)
- 8: Ottox (Sep 7, 2003)
- 9: Jerk Gently in The USA (Sep 8, 2003)
- 10: Ottox (Sep 11, 2003)
- 11: Jerk Gently in The USA (Sep 11, 2003)
- 12: Ottox (Sep 19, 2003)
- 13: Jerk Gently in The USA (Sep 20, 2003)
- 14: Ottox (Sep 22, 2003)
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