This is the Message Centre for Ottox

Calling card

Post 1

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Hi Ottox smiley - smiley
Thought I'd pop in on you, since you popped into a place that I have shut down for the moment.

I don't know if you've ever heard this story, but it was funny, and it involves you, so I'll tell you.

Once upon a time, back in the days of darkness, when h2g2 was inaccessible for a while, I discovered an egroup for addicted researchers. Never having joined an egroup, and not at all sure quite what one was, I went on a button pushing rampage and put MoGgie in there. I pushed buttons, I filled out forms, I ran amok. And LO! Suddenly I was there. A member! One of the elite! And I was all excited about being able to communicate again with some people who I considered to be friends smiley - smiley
As I was trying to figure out how to navigate that place, (which I never did, cause I was expecting it to work somewhat like h2g2) my computer notified me that an email had arrived. *ping* So I went and looked, and there was an email from Ottox! How nice! I opened it and found a one line cryptic mesage, that didn't seem to be addressed to me.
Puzzled, I went back to the Egroup thingy and messed around some more. About 14 minutes later.... *ping*.... another email! So I peeked, and there were several cryptic emails from Ottox, which weren't making any sense at all to me.
A friend showed up and we went out for a while, then came back to make a pic for her on my puter. And....SURPRISE! My inbox was FULL of emails from Ottox! I didn't know how to make them stop... they kept coming and coming. I felt like Mickey Mouse as the sorcerer's apprentice in Fantasia-- I was drowning in Ottox. (blub blub) I'm not complaining, mind you, just was very confused.
Thank God my friend is much more canny about the mysteries of computers than I am. She went into that egroup and did something to unsubscribe from whatever I'd subscribed to, and after a while the influx of Ottox abated.
smiley - laugh
A smiley - kiss for you, my dear. After that I kinda feel as if I know you in a more personal way than the h2g2 experience would merit. smiley - winkeye

Calling card

Post 2


smiley - laugh
I do hope that not *all* your emails was from me! smiley - bigeyes

Poor MoG, to drown in Ottox. Terrible!!! smiley - yikes

smiley - hug

Calling card

Post 3

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Perhaps not *all* of them were, but you know what a prolific poster you can be smiley - winkeye
It wasn't terrible at all, just really, really funny, from my perspective.
Right now I'd give a lot to be drowning in some funny Ottox stuff.
smiley - rose

Calling card

Post 4

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

BOO! smiley - yikes
Just popping out of the goo to drop off some fireworks for you... on the 4th of July there's always plenty to go around. I love 'em! Can't wait for the display on the beach tonight!

smiley - rocket

Calling card

Post 5


I probably never have seen fireworks on the 4th of July before! Or maybe I have, but not because of the 4th of July. smiley - biggrin

(I'd like you to know, that I think everything you have said in your journal forum in the last day has been very well said. Unlike this! smiley - bigeyes)

Have fun at the beach tonight! smiley - smiley

Calling card

Post 6

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Thank you, Ottox! smiley - hug
I will have fun tonight! And I'm gonna do my best to make sure that things stay fun around me. smiley - smiley MoGgies aren't designed to be such serious critters, after all.


Calling card

Post 7


smiley - hug

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