This is the Message Centre for JLC the TTP aka ...It's All Happening!

greetings from your mage

Post 1


hi, we have not been in contact for a while, so i thought that I ought to pop by and ask how you were doing.

good luck with the court case.

your caring mage,


greetings from your mage

Post 2

JLC the TTP aka ...It's All Happening!

Daearest Xyroth,
I have been reading your newsletters, no. 31, at last count. So I have been reaching out for you and appreciate you as ever, your adoring fan I am.
The court case will go on and on and on. Liars arrange it that way and another has been filed.I have heard, though I have not been served yet. The trouble with the U.S. is that anyone can file a charge in a civil court. I have great faith that it will be quickly thrown out if I can ever get to court. Politics plays a great part in keeping it postponed. I am a Taurus and very stubborn so this tactic will never work with me. Time has only made me less emotional about the whole matter which has increased my level headedness when it does get to court.
I just finished a graduate level course in Don Quixote de la Mancha and wrote a paper on a couple of Chansons de Geste, written in the middle ages, about the battle of Roncesvalles in the Pyrennees Mountains in 822, or some such, the exact date eludes me. The important thing is that it was one of the few where Charlemagne was defeated.
There are two stories that were told by the jonglers at that time, the French wrote one called "Chanson de Roland" which tells of the French Hero, Roland and the twelve Peers, being betrayed by one of their fellows called Ganalon. They were the French equivalent of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.
The Spanish story is a legend of a knight called Bernardo de Carpio, he did not really exist, but since the Spanish won this victory they had to create a hero of their own. Roland did actually exist and so did the 12 Peers. They did die in the battle and there is a headstone marker in a field in Roncevalles marking the site of the battle and where he died.
What does this have to do with Don Quixote? He makes a great deal of references in his speech of chivalristic times and the great Knights he is believes he is imitating and actually belongs to their ranks and follows the code of chivalry. Of course he makes reference to Arthur, who is now taken the form of a raven and waits until this day to return when the great values and times Camelot are reawakened. Almost all of humour and sarcastic parodic value of Don Quixote's mad rantings and adventures is lost upon the modern reader as late as the 18th century because no one understands the points of references he makes from the Chivalristic Books that were so popular in the 17th century.
The paper is in Spanish and I read Don Quixote in it's original 17th century Spanish. I was quite a project and I do still intend to go to Salamanca to study at the university there. I have become greatly interested in Spanish Literature of the Golden Age, especially the Mystics of Saint John of the Cross and Saint Theresa de Avilla. So you see I have been keeping myself busy.
There is also a man who wants to be get very serious and has been in my life since last December. He is very dear, sexy and good looking, charming. But I need more mental stimulation and wonder if we can travel in the same circles. I would really rather have a maid rather than a love slave but just have not been able to afford one lately with all the havoc of not being settled.
This would trouble him greatly if he read this, I just don't unerstand obsession and the need to possess another human being totally. I wonder sometimes if I am meant to mate. Then other times I know I have and the person has passed on, so I am destined to live feeling severed from my soulmate. If such a thing really does exist. I have re-examined the tragedy of romantic love time and time again.
So how's your life honey?
Worlds of Love,

greetings from your mage

Post 3


hectic to say the least.

I don't quite see how I ended up doing it, but I have been made responsible for the website and have had to start writing some articles for it to get it started.

the feature on mars direct is by me, and there is one comming up about nuclear fusion.

This is in addition to working on my own website, and having to catalogue my video collection (over 1,000 tapes) and my book collection (over 2,000 books in the sci-fi and fantasy section alone).

on top of all this, I am housesitting for friends and reading 2 or 3 books every day.

as if that wasn't enough, I have started to get some more feedback on the intelligence project here at h2g2, so it's absolutely hectic.

still, it's more than I used to be able to do.

smiley - smiley

you mention your concern over finding a future mate. well, I am in a similar boat. I thouroughly expect either to never find a mate and be happily single for the rest of my life, or to find a mate and spend 20+ years with them raising offspring. I just don't know which right now.

keep in touch,

your caring mage.

greetings from your mage

Post 4

JLC the TTP aka ...It's All Happening!

Dearest Xyroth,
Well you really should reproduce you know, with your intelligence the planet needs a few more of you in the gene pool. I actually had a child at the tender age of 17. I was too sensitive and loving, perhaps religious to have an abortion but not in any sort of situation to support a child. So, I gave her up for adoption. Her name is Michele Wiseman, I don't know her and have never seen her. It was a difficult subject for me for many years. I have pledged never to look her up, she knows she is adopted. My grandmother and mother saw her on a local television program on the subject when she was about 3 years old. Her mother said she was being raised knowing she was adopted. I was traveling and in Europe or someplace at the time. I have no regrets. I am quite besotted with my grand niece right now and happy enough with OP's = other people's. I am actually very proud of my maturity to have given up the child to a loving home. A few years later, I found myself ill again and in the hospital being interviewed by a psychatrist as a precautionary measure. They wanted to do a hysterectomy but were worried about me suing at a later date. I told him that I felt that I had already added to the gene pool and was alright with it, since they though it would make me well. I was very sick and tired of being sick. I am sick and tired of being sick now too. I was well for so long. Anyway, I do hope you add to the gene pool it is an important biological and human emotional need. I think most humans would feel very unfulfilled if they didn't reproduce. As for raising the little rascals, I think they are basically thankless. I am not personally and love my mother very, very much. I am always happy when you mention yours because I know you love her very much.
Mating, finding a mate? Men are so jealous, I have had so many problems with them. There is this possession thing they have with me to the point of obsession. I find that I have to train them as the relationship goes along. Shock treatment, is perhaps what it could be called. It is not a question of being faithful, I can do that. I just have to keep them on them on their toes. Men tend to take you for granted if you don't. I can't stand the obsessive compulsive behavior that most people think is part of being a couple. I don't need to know where my mate is every moment of the day or night. I subscribe to Kahlil Gibran's frame of mind in his poem on marriage: Let there be spaces in your togetherness, for the oak tree and the elm grow not in each other's shadow. I can't say I am not the jealous type. It is just that I would never be in a relationship if I felt I couldn't trust him. I am now at a point in this relationship of don't ask, don't tell. I have always been the type to respect another's privacy. If I am involved with a man, or living with him and he gets a phone call, I usually leave the room so he can feel free to be himself and any jelousy I might have might not be aroused by his self expression with another. Also, it might not be any of my business, what he has to say to his stock broker, banker, or best friend. I also never go through his personal items, papers, address books, browse through his cell phone or computer. This is something I have a problem with as I seem to attract the type that "just want to, or have to know" who and what I am talking to or thinking about doing. I guess I just give out information on a need to know basis? I am hoping as I get older I will find someone who has enough of their own going on that my going ons won't be their meat and potatoes.
I am facinated by your industry and rash intelligence. I will check that site pescu out, thanks for the link.
I am not going to school this fall and will be concentrating on trying to relax and get through the Fairhope debacle. I would like to close the chapter one way or another. But I am not going to walk away like my last insignifigant other thinks he might wear me down into doing. Time is always on my side.
Always thinking of you with Worlds of Love,

greetings from your mage

Post 5


oops, somewhere along the line I must have given a wrong impression about the relationship between me and my mother.

a few years ago, she got caught out after intercepting my mail and using the knowledge to depth charge a relationship.

as you can probably guess by now, I view this as a fundamental breach of trust, as it shows that she puts her opinion of what is right for me above my opinion of what is right for me.

therefore, as I am still having to live at home, I must get on with her to a certain extent, but once I move out I don't forsee that I will put a massive amount of effort into maintaining the relationship.

on the other points you mention, I tend to be fairly open with everyone about everything, but I don't necessarily volunteer information when it isn't relevant.

as to breeding, there is a tendancy in the intelligent not to breed until they have the means to provide for the significant other and child.

it is exactly the opposite response to that found in the uneducated surf type mentality.

as to jealousy, it is a manifestation of the emotional importance to you of the person you are being jealous of, but with a definate aura of mistrust. in the long run, they either get over it, or the other person leaves.

regarding pescu, we are looking for articles, so if you have anything you might like to write about, then drop me an email and we will talk about it.

keep well.

your caring mage.

greetings from your mage

Post 6

JLC the TTP aka ...It's All Happening!

I dropped by Pescu and was interested in the link to the Direct Mars etc. I did not get there yet. There is the Stennis Space Center in Mississippi that I visited a few years ago. They do a 2 hour presentation on the Mars project. It seems that water is the main problem. I could go there again and see how they are doing and if they have updated. It has been a few years. What sort of articles are you looking for at your Pescu project?
I don't see why you should have to still live with your mum. I left home at 15 and have been handling things on my own since then. So you can see my confusion. My latest beau has a real problem with his mum and the women in his life. He warned me about her so I didn't get too chummy. It didn't make a bit of difference, she still manages to sabotage his relationships because of his codependent tendencies. I don't understand people that must have someone around them all the time. Books are a good thing. I intend to become what is called a super lector, one who can understand and write about the intertextuality within all literatures.
I am disenchanted with finding a mate at this time and have taken the goal to occupy my mind with literature and teaching. Despite my doubts and consternation I am back in school again. I am auditing a course on analyzing Spanish Literature and going to finish up my teaching techinique courses that are required for my Masters. I am anxious to finish my Masters and go on the graduate assistantship within the next few years while working on my PH D.
I go to court in the morning finally. I really am tired of the whole thing but will go to the ACLU despite all and will never give up.
How strange to find you at the h2g2 at the same time as me. Write back soon if you can.
AnnaNorseGoddess and I went out this weekend and got crazy on the dance floor. We took some pics and I will send you a recent one soon via your email at your site.
Forever your adoring fawn,

greetings from your mage

Post 7


I am stuck with living with my mum due to a combination of ill health, and badly constructed benefit rules.

due to ill health, I am in receipt of benefit. I am not allowed to move out because that would be making myself "voluntarily homeless", and they would then not pay for any accommodation.

On the other hand I can't be on their list for government housing, as due to being single I would only qualify for something the size of a large bathroom (with shared facilities).

I am not aloud to save more than a couple of thousand, so I can't build up a deposit, and without a deposit the largest mortgage I can get is only about £10,000 in an environment where a one bedroom house with combined kitchen and living room costs about £40,000.

all very silly realy.

greetings from your mage

Post 8

JLC the TTP aka ...It's All Happening!

Dearest Xyroth,
It will take me awhile to digest all that. I guess things can be as screwed up in Jolly Old as they are in the US. In anycase, a mate could be a reasonable alternative. I remember talking to a friend of mine and telling her about the last great white wonder that walked into my life. Her comment was: "Too bad he doesn't have any money." This turned out to be true, but he does have a lot of potential. He is finally working and on his way back up. Unfortunately, there is so much water under the bridge getting him there and carrying the financial burdens for the past 9 months of our relationship that the only real reason I can see for remaining in it is to prevent the Chaos that it would cause in his life at the beginning of his ascent (ie the new job). And as long as we can be polite until we disengage ourselves from each other's lives I will hang in there until things are more stable before dropping the boom on him. Surely he must know though, I am avoiding him, and refuse to provide any more financial assistance.
I am headlong into my studies with blinders on and have made my priorties clear.
Still, as I was saying about your situation. A brilliant man as yourself should be able to find a lovely mate. I put "Brainiac" as a big turn-on on my profile and intend to update it soon. It is on aol and my codename is JulieNixon38, check it out. The profile is about 2 years old but will be updated soon. Perhaps you should try some online dating services too? Hey, it is all good fun and friends first for me, even though I have not been active in it for the past nice months and did not meet my latest beau online. I plan to be more discriminating next time around.
Keep looking up, I am heading back to for updates on your Pescu site and then off shopping for a winter wardrobe.
Worlds of Love,
Your fawning fan,

greetings from your mage

Post 9


well, we must be doing something right with the pescu site.

even before we start doing any publicity, we have already had 35 hits on the front page at so who knows how many we will get when we have a big enough site to start seriously pushing.

as to online dating, no thanks. I have had my share of blind dates and long distance relationships and I don't really fancy many more of either. they are just too much like hard work.

anyway, keep well and have fun.

your attentive mage.

greetings from your mage

Post 10

JLC the TTP aka ...It's All Happening!

Dearest Xyroth,
Got circular 32 and downloaded Babylon, thanks. I have been hard at work in school and in personally battling on to make my way in the world. I am not on line at home in Fairhope and have not been staying at Anna's much these past few weeks. My shining star and I have been getting along and he has helped me make some strategic moves in the Joe Dirt courtroom scene. I would not have had the nerve to pull some of the stunts that have passed beneath the courts neglectful eyes but they really should have made a ruling. I have been waiting around for justice for over a year and only gotten postponed on the docket. So finally, the media prevails and I have been on the radio in Fairhope at least twice in my personae of SweetPea. I used some of the article I wrote about the Jubilee at the Jubillee fesival in Daphne and it was great.
I am always amazed at your productiveness and proud to call you my mage.
Worlds of Love,

greetings from your mage

Post 11


speaking of circulars, I just sent out the circular for issue 2 of

would you like me to add you to the list (and send you a copy)?

I'm glad that circular 32 proved to be helpfull. I am keeping an eye open for other affiliate programs which are similarly helpfull.

glad to hear that you are doing radio work.

your faithfull mage.

greetings from your mage

Post 12

JLC the TTP aka ...It's All Happening!

Dearest Xyroth,
Thanks for the luck, I know you're a nexalist and all that and I have been into praying and faith that all will be well when it's over. It does go on and on though. I am right now in a sports bar in Gulf Shores Alablessededbama and Well, that's all right too. Mainly because the smoke is not really thick so I am a happy camper to find a computer. I hope to be back online at home soon. My true love and I are getting along after all and it has been a year come New Year's. He got a job with a local AM radio station in Fairhope about 2 months ago and I have been doing live remotes and cutting some commercial spots so it has been fun. I will actually go ahead and take a subcontractor position with them this week. So they are covered insurance wise, not me of course. My Mr. Wonderful says that he will take care of me and I am trusting that is working out to be true. There are other things out in the Gumbo Pot working for him, things that will enable him to make it happen financially and give us more security than this radio gig. So I am happy and full of hope. It is fall and nesting time, you have heard this tune from me before. I am happy that is the main thing, I have someone and it is working well with us. Let's say I am euphoric at the moment.
I am still in school and still trying to get to Spain this summer. Mr Wonderful is not very happy about that, but I can't give up my dreams. I am always who I am, and will live my dreams.
It is a kick to do Radio Commercials and hear my voice on the Radio! My radio persona name is "SweetPea", wouldn't you just know!
Healthwise I am feeling pretty good, still taking my medicine and will go back to the doctor to see if it is somewhat effective or not. I have been taking it for almost 2 months. I still have pain and the side effect have been mostly gastro, not much hair loss, I am grateful for that.
AnnaNorseGoddess is in love too! She went out to California this past summer to see a guy that has been professing his love for her for over 20 years. Eddie Martinez, he has played with Carlos Santana, and is now in Reno, Nevada and supposed to meet with Speilberg this week-end. Apparently he is very handsome, all this is realative and in the eyes of the beholder. His roommate is already in the movies and going to play in Matrix II when it comes out. Anna and I will go to Texas to the premiere. I will meet Eddie in December when he comes to Alabama for Christmas, but meet his roommate sooner in Texas, sometime before then. I hope that all works out for Anna in love too. I miss her, I have been spending most of my time in Fairhope. She went to San Francisco to see him so Fall has had a different flavor for us this year. We did take some cheesecake photos together and will probably do some more so I will send you some when I get hooked up on the net. Give me your most secure location, I will write your at your site and you can give it to me from there.
Tell me what's up with you? Or would you like to just wait for the photos?
Worlds of Love,

greetings from your mage

Post 13


you are not the only one who has been having computer problems.

My motherboard decided to develop a fault, so I have been offline for a week (mostly), and have not been able to do much to either my site or

on the other hand, a cybersquatter offered me for $89, and I managed to get it before they did for about $8 which has left me a bit chuffed.

issue 33 of is now nearing completion, and the curicular should be going out about that in about a week or so.

issue three of is in development, so that should be published a few weeks after that.

as to my most secure location, they are all about the same. they all arrive ok.

email can come to me either at [email protected], or to any address at, as that site has infinite emails.

Unfortunately I have not been that productive lately, as mum chose to have the back windows replaced. This meant moving a lot of stuff which I am still recovering from.

good luck to both you and anna with the relationships.

your faithfull mage.

greetings from your mage

Post 14

JLC the TTP aka ...It's All Happening!

Dearest Xyroth,
It's always great to come home, to my space and find at least one message, thank you for being my faithful mage. I knew that I adopted the proper mage somehow in my soul when I reached out for you.
It must have been a bit cold getting the windows changed out. I hope they worked quickly.
I have recieved circular 33 but have not yet delved into it. I have been busy working in radio at the local station here in Fairhope. I am having a great time selling advertising and then creating and cutting the copy for the commercials. It is a riot to hear myself in so many different personality modes on the different commercials. I really like it.
The relationship scence is continuing and I will be engaged officially one year on New Year's Eve. He is ready to start getting the counceling that is required by the Catholic church and lasts 6 months before we can get married in the church. I think I will wait a full 2 years before we actually tie the knot. Call me cautious.
AnnaNorseGoddess is in love too. Her honey is in California and she has been out there 3 times in the past year. Love brings out the gently and beautiful side in her and she is wearing it very well. She gets more beautiful everyday. I am happy for her.
Another great thing going on is that my mother is building her house in Bush, Louisiana and will be moving out of my grandmother's house in Covington for Christmas. This will be my last Thanksgiving in the house at Camilla Ridge. I am trying to get the OK and have faith that I will be spending Christmas with Anna and her true love and children at Camilla Ridge in Covington. We will move my fiance's 3 bedroom house furnishings out of storage in Covington and put them in my grandmother's house "Camilla Ridge" for the holidays and I am so excited about being there with Anna and my whole world for my last Christmas there. I am sure they will sell the house next sure and I will leave so many memories behind when the garden is gone.
The battle of liars and the house in Fairhope contiues on into the New Year with new liars. My liar actually told me I need a Baldwin County liar because he could do me no good here. I am going to interview 3 Baldwin County liars next week and choose the one I feel is the worst snake among them. If I choose the one of best character I won't have a chance. Paradoxical isn't it?
Meanwhile, I am forever your adoring fan,
Worlds of Love,

greetings from your mage

Post 15


there was no problem with the windows, as it was done on the warm day in october. smiley - silly

good luck with the battle and with the counceling.

give my best wishes to anna as well.

glad to hear that you are enjoying the radio work.

on a different note, it looks like I will not be publishing issue 3 next after all. I am getting pushed to publish issue 1 of (which currently just relinks to

it's all right, but having to create a new site from scratch can be a bit much on short notice.

I hope you have a fun christmas.

talk to you next time.

greetings from your mage

Post 16

JLC the TTP aka ...It's All Happening!

Dearest Xyroth,
I checked out circular 33 somewhat. You have so much! I loved the picture of you and hope I managed to get a copy of it, I will check my desktop later. I also got the download of Joan Collins line in batman, a lady well worthy of imitation, the sincerest form of flatery. I liked the security info and went to SANS, great links. You are a true mage. I will keep in touch over this blessed holiday season and just wanted to say how much you joy you bring into my life.
Worlds of Love,

greetings from your mage

Post 17


well, I do what I can.

a nice thing happened the other day, someone popped along to my language pages and bough a language course, making $23 (us) for me.

it looks like you can make money on the internet after all smiley - smiley

keep well, and enjoy christmas.

greetings from your mage

Post 18

JLC the TTP aka ...It's All Happening!

Dearest Xyroth,
You sea the sinchronicity of the universe "Bread cast upon the water comes back a buttered sandwhich". You are a great mage and a fabulous person, Christmas presents come early to you via the internet.
So what do you think, I should maybe go into the astrology business, perhaps psychic? I could make money on the internet that way I bet. I had a laugh the other day, I was lamenting that the radio station wanted to let just the DJ cut the commercials and that would stop my creative adventures on air, he said I could always go into the phone sex business! I have a great voice. That was worth a hearty holiday chuckle. But you never know, I have your phone number now I might call my Merry Chistmas wishes into you. A nice idea in any case, accept all call from the 251 USA area code on you cellphone, Fairhope, Alablessedbama.
Worlds of Love,

greetings from your mage

Post 19

JLC the TTP aka ...It's All Happening!

Dearest Xyroth,
You sea the sinchronicity of the universe "Bread cast upon the water comes back a buttered sandwhich". You are a great mage and a fabulous person, Christmas presents come early to you via the internet.
So what do you think, I should maybe go into the astrology business, perhaps psychic? I could make money on the internet that way I bet. I had a laugh the other day, I was lamenting that the radio station wanted to let just the DJ cut the commercials and that would stop my creative adventures on air, he said I could always go into the phone sex business! I have a great voice. That was worth a hearty holiday chuckle. But you never know, I have your phone number now I might call my Merry Chistmas wishes into you. A nice idea in any case, accept all call from the 251 USA area code on you cellphone, Fairhope, Alablessedbama.
Worlds of Love,

greetings from your mage

Post 20


if you do phone, you would probably be better off ringing the landline.

it would be cheaper, and the mobile is mainly turned on when I am not at home.

also, remember that technically, we run gmt here. this means you will have to make allowances for the time difference.

have a good christmas.

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