This is the Message Centre for Mother of God, Empress of the Universe
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hello love
Terliwig Renfrew Hidalgo worship mina here A39119024 go on you know you want to Started conversation Jul 20, 2005
hello love
Mother of God, Empress of the Universe Posted Jul 20, 2005
All is well! My world has changed since we last 'talked', have gone Buddhist, am painting and will be hsving my mini-debut in the next month or so, work for myself now, and am very happy. Still living in the same place, but will move this winter to a bigger place.
Congratulations on being a papa! (I've been lurking once in a rare while, just to make sure you're still with us) How does that strike you? And I see that you're *still* not sleeping properly! Tell me everything!
hello love
Terliwig Renfrew Hidalgo worship mina here A39119024 go on you know you want to Posted Jul 20, 2005
ive sid it once and ile say it againe sleep is for the week
life is good ime less melodramatic thse days like most people stuck in a boring job to pay the bills but the people make it berable i deided to stay away from cooking dont think it would be good for me i am to unforgiving. being a dad is great he has me wrapped wrond his little fingers which is only right you have to admit that it really still the same cynical agnostik persion you knew just a littlemore grown up.back in the uk or the moment but you never know with me i like to move proberbly wont mind elly isnt to keen on the bouncing
hello love
Mother of God, Empress of the Universe Posted Jul 21, 2005
*snort* sleep is for the weak. yeah, right.
So are there any pics online of your lil fella? I still remember seeing pics of you and Elly at your first meetup, am *amazed* at all that transpired since then. Humph. Seems *I'm* the only one who isn't getting older, right? Just say "yes, dear", ok, Bob?
What kinda work are you doing now? Must be a whole different thing to have a family of your own, and to see your little guy grow so quickly. I have a nephew now, almost 4 years old. I only get to see him a couple times yearly, but he's a kick. I'm astounded at how much a 'person' he's become now, full of his own ideas about everything and all. He's gonna give my brother a run for his money, I can feeeeeeel it coming.
hello love
Terliwig Renfrew Hidalgo worship mina here A39119024 go on you know you want to Posted Jul 21, 2005
of corse you not agine who could think of such a thing
dont have any pics of him online we really dont have a site to put them on but there are hundreds on this computer.
ime working in customer sefvace for a bank i get screemed at for a living YAY go team and all that jaz,
its not to bad but if i haddent realised that people where morons already i would know by now allot of people arnt safe to give money to
yea it is weird havinga famely of my own never thaught i would for one thing but not just that i as a rule am not scentamental or emoshanal but when it comes to ryan and elly i am its weird. although then againe its ment to be right
hello love
Mother of God, Empress of the Universe Posted Jul 21, 2005
Being screamed at for a living doesn't sound too fun, though I guess the rest of the work conditions must be better than they were in the restaurants. Hang in there, honey. Sometimes you have to put up with a lot of crap before you find where you really 'belong', but I'll tell you this: my experience with some pretty insane work conditions and nutjob bosses over the years has given me a HUGE appreciation for what I'm doing now, and when things aren't 100% perfect (which of course they aren't) I just remember how bad they *can* be and am able to deal with the less-than-perfect bits much better than I would had I not known much worse. has a free photo storage website, if you're interested in putting up some of your pics. It's especially nice when family is spread all over the place, too. I keep some of my stuff on there, really *must* update it one of these days. I still have tons of pics from my last adventure to St. Augustine, Florida I need to of these days... Also, azahar has created quite an extensive h2g2 friends photo album. If you want to be a part of it, just email her. I'll find the link to her space for you.
hello love
Mother of God, Empress of the Universe Posted Jul 21, 2005
Here ya go.
hello love
Terliwig Renfrew Hidalgo worship mina here A39119024 go on you know you want to Posted Jul 22, 2005
hello love
Mother of God, Empress of the Universe Posted Jul 22, 2005
I had a great day off, read a little (I'm trying to learn *everything* about science ) messed around with my painting a little, cleaned the apartment, gave a token kiss to my garden and then had a friend over for cocktails and dinner. Basically, I was mostly lazy with brief outbursts of activity. Ahhhhhhhhh. Life is good.
Now I'm waiting for the martinis to wear off before bed so I sleep well. Speaking of sleep, it's *late* over in your part of the universe! Is your insomnia as bad as it used to be?
I'm looking forward to seeing Ryan. Does he favor you or Elly? Or does he look like his very own self entirely?
hello love
Terliwig Renfrew Hidalgo worship mina here A39119024 go on you know you want to Posted Jul 22, 2005
he looks like his little self. and yea i carnt waight to se them. yes the insomnea is still as bad ut it comes in waves insted of all the time so at least that is somthing i dont get the night mers mind i gess i carnt get my hed round sleeping.
ime good just listaning to music and depresing myself by reading my old space stupid i know but ime in a funny mood. i really havent done anything with my time off a mistake really as when i will go back to wrk there will be lods i want to do and dont have the time for. ah well fun and games hay
hello love
Mother of God, Empress of the Universe Posted Jul 22, 2005
You know, the coolest thing going Buddhist has done for me is that I've finally gotten a handle on my depression. Not sure if I ever made you aware of that part of myself, but it was stretched about to the end for a while there. I read this thing that made sense to me about the only thing we can control is our response to things, that we can come at anything from a bunch of perspectives/moods, but that *is* an option we can learn how to take advantage of. Shit *will* just happen no matter how much we try to prevent it. Anyway, for me that idea was kinda a lifeline, took quite a while of practicing 'changing' my mind before I got the hang of seeing the crap in terms of what good use I could put it to, to build my life in the direction I wanted it to grow.
What music are you listening to? Right now I've got Madeline Devreax on, kinda sexy New Orleans-style jazz, just perfect before I creep off to bed.
hello love
Terliwig Renfrew Hidalgo worship mina here A39119024 go on you know you want to Posted Jul 22, 2005
it was the best of thin lizzy but the second cd finished havent changed it yet i will probly put on some monty pythin havent herd that in ages
and you are right i am a firm balever in you alow youself to feel lke that and theres now point in getting upset about things you card do anything about.
you did let me know about the depression and ime glad you over it i am to although i wasnt verygentl on myself in doing it but whatever works right
hello love
Mother of God, Empress of the Universe Posted Jul 22, 2005
hmmmm... there's more to it than just not getting upset about shit, I think. There's a way to bring your shiningest self into connection with the brightest part of whatever's in front of you, and it turns things around.
But I'm about brain dead at the moment, so I'll toddle of now.
I'm so glad to have you around again, honey. Hope your today is beautiful!
hello love
Terliwig Renfrew Hidalgo worship mina here A39119024 go on you know you want to Posted Jul 22, 2005
i hoped you slept well
humm i think i will need to loose alot of cynasym before i balever that i have a shiney self, but i know what you mean if you think that life is shit and it always will be it is smae way that if you think things are gona work out they will or am i missing the point
hello love
Mother of God, Empress of the Universe Posted Jul 23, 2005
For me it's been kinda a matter of *deciding* that things *will* be ok, so when shit hits the fan and plans are dashed I've developed the habit of getting over the disrupt pretty darned quick now, to hell with the plan--what was the goal? Then I open my mind to whatever happens by, and it's amazing how much useful stuff is out there to be taken advantage of when you aren't tunnel-visioning and only seeing the Plan.
First really big time I tried it was when my feet got hurt, and I was cut back to working about 1/2 time. I thought I wouldn't survive financially, was not sure if they'd ever heal, and with no car I couldn't even get another job that didn't require walking. Felt screwed, at first, big time. Didn't help that the managers at work were being total dicks, either. Anyway, one day I was in a frenzy, decided that I'd try practicing the mental shift and see what happened. So I started using all the extra time to do stuff I'd been wanting to do for years (but didn't have the time or energy for). I started the painting, (it's now one of my greatest pleasures, and is going to start earning me some decent money, as well). I tried writing with discipline, learned that I'm not a disciplined writer. And I learned how to make the Photoshop do what I wanted it to do, consistently, rather than having the cool stuff be a big surprise. And, while that was all going on, my feet slowly healed, I got happy, and another job that better suited my needs at the time came my way *just* as my hourly wage was about to be cut to less than 1/2. That experience made a believer of me, and though it took quite a while to reset my default from "O shit, I'm f*cked again, as usual." to "That's a surprise, what'll I do with it?" the difference in my life is immeasurable. To be honest, I can't tell if things actually *got* easier for me, or if I just got really good at finding the bright spots in circumstances. Just now very few things can really throw me, though I *do* have temper tantrums in traffic when everyone gets in MY way. But since the Automotive Harrassment Squad is the biggest pain in the butt I have to consistently deal with, I figure I'm pretty lucky.
Today I learned about something that tickled
I think I'm going to start really paying attention, see if I can start writing articles for them. Even if they never publish a word I write it'll do me good to be deliberately looking for and thinking about the good news and funny stuff amidst all the drama out there.
hello love
Terliwig Renfrew Hidalgo worship mina here A39119024 go on you know you want to Posted Jul 23, 2005
a worht wile site if ever i saw one
one of thse days i will do that send elly out to work full time and acully find what i want to do rather than the first job that comes along. i have always wanted to write dont have the time i do have the disaply though i tend to start things leave them becuse life gets in the way and then start somthing new because i have compleatly lost where i was. i think my deam situation would be full time writing and part time freelance hef just t get some cash untill i make money from the writeng but the realist in me says that will never happen not that what i am doing now is terable or anything it just dosent make me happy. but things never do make you happy really you make you self happy but at 10 to 5 in the morning that is to deep for me.
ime glad youhappy and when i fially get over the pond i will defatly look in galerys for your work you hae a geat personlty and good sence of humer so i will probewrbly like the art any way the suns coming up so i shoul go before i turn in to a pumpkin
hello love
Mother of God, Empress of the Universe Posted Jul 23, 2005
Honey, if you want to write do it. Doesn't mean you have to make a full-time job of it while you're starting. The point of what I was telling you about is that I didn't *do* what makes me happy until my income (and work hours) were cut in half. Rather than just freaking out about something that was out of my control, I diverted myself with something else that's developed into something really good for me since then. It was kinda like the DNA bit about how to fly: just take a leap, get distracted by something else while you're in the air, and all of a sudden you'll realize that you're flying rather than hitting the ground.
Some of my paintings are in here if you want to take a peek. I don't think they'll end up in galleries, will be quite happy if they end up on someone else's wall and help to pay my rent.
hello love
Terliwig Renfrew Hidalgo worship mina here A39119024 go on you know you want to Posted Jul 23, 2005
as i said i dont have time i work long houers the i spend time with elly and ryan i dont have the time to write without cuttting donw on my houers wich i carnd afford to do life always gets in the way of doing fun stuff but life in itself is fun so it evans out.
the paintings are great i was right i do like them really emagnative, it is strange that if you like the personalty you inevatably like that persans art,hawever if you do it porble you put allot of yourself in to your art so it isnt that strange after all.
ellys back tomorrow night so i wont be on as much from then mainly becuse i will leave my operants againe and tere the ones with the computer but i will check in at least evry other week.
any way i am up at a sily time in the morning as usual so i should be ff i will talk to you againe son dearmy current email is [email protected]
bye for now darling
hello love
Mother of God, Empress of the Universe Posted Jul 24, 2005
I'm glad you liked my paintings
Also glad to hear that your family is returning and that you'll be too busy with the people you love to play on h2 much. Give Ryan a little MoGgie kiss on the top of his head for me, ok? That'll plant a halo of protection there, so when the horns (which are almost inevitable, you being his papa and him on his way to toddlerhood soon ) start to sprout he'll stay safe and happy. Just humor me, ok? I know it's kinda silly, but Good Thoughts from strangers can't cause any harm, and ya never know if they really *do* help, some ways.
I'm Britta_mog at if you ever need me, or just want to talk.
Love ya, honey.
hello love
Terliwig Renfrew Hidalgo worship mina here A39119024 go on you know you want to Posted Jul 24, 2005
of cose i will
and the todler hood has alredy started he decided to do it while he wasaway. mainly i think becuse he wanted to get the dog and i would proberbly be on h2g2 of a night when ime not sleepoing but i am living at my perants atm we dont actully have a net conection in our house much more important things to pay for fist but its on my wish list
ah well i had all these good intechans of sleeping but i started writing insed but now i am really off
by for now my dear take cae of yourself
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hello love
- 1: Terliwig Renfrew Hidalgo worship mina here A39119024 go on you know you want to (Jul 20, 2005)
- 2: Mother of God, Empress of the Universe (Jul 20, 2005)
- 3: Terliwig Renfrew Hidalgo worship mina here A39119024 go on you know you want to (Jul 20, 2005)
- 4: Mother of God, Empress of the Universe (Jul 21, 2005)
- 5: Terliwig Renfrew Hidalgo worship mina here A39119024 go on you know you want to (Jul 21, 2005)
- 6: Mother of God, Empress of the Universe (Jul 21, 2005)
- 7: Mother of God, Empress of the Universe (Jul 21, 2005)
- 8: Terliwig Renfrew Hidalgo worship mina here A39119024 go on you know you want to (Jul 22, 2005)
- 9: Mother of God, Empress of the Universe (Jul 22, 2005)
- 10: Terliwig Renfrew Hidalgo worship mina here A39119024 go on you know you want to (Jul 22, 2005)
- 11: Mother of God, Empress of the Universe (Jul 22, 2005)
- 12: Terliwig Renfrew Hidalgo worship mina here A39119024 go on you know you want to (Jul 22, 2005)
- 13: Mother of God, Empress of the Universe (Jul 22, 2005)
- 14: Terliwig Renfrew Hidalgo worship mina here A39119024 go on you know you want to (Jul 22, 2005)
- 15: Mother of God, Empress of the Universe (Jul 23, 2005)
- 16: Terliwig Renfrew Hidalgo worship mina here A39119024 go on you know you want to (Jul 23, 2005)
- 17: Mother of God, Empress of the Universe (Jul 23, 2005)
- 18: Terliwig Renfrew Hidalgo worship mina here A39119024 go on you know you want to (Jul 23, 2005)
- 19: Mother of God, Empress of the Universe (Jul 24, 2005)
- 20: Terliwig Renfrew Hidalgo worship mina here A39119024 go on you know you want to (Jul 24, 2005)
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