Journal Entries


I have to write a specification for my 3rd year project. Which should not be hard however I have to reasins and everything.

I mean what do I put "Yeah, I picked the project because I forgot about choosing one and thought it up whilst waiting to see my supervisor, and it sounded cool".

Well to hell with it I can't be arsed to start it now I'll just surf the web a bit.

Hey I just realised that I have got until Thursday to do it.

I had the best lab session this week it was for Intellegent Robotics and all I did was play with Lego. smiley - smiley

In IR our team has to build a robot with a Lego kit and a cool little computer unit. We still haven't decide what to make it do, any ideas?

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Latest reply: Oct 6, 2000

Back to university

Returning to student life this week. I left work last week and got drunk. Now I've been working hard to achive that lower state of consiousness that students seem to have.

On returning to student life I am looking forward to missing lectures and going to many parties and studing hard (LOL).

Stay turned for next weeks edition
same bat-time
same bat-channel

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Latest reply: Sep 22, 2000

Last Day

Its my last day at work today.

I've been getting demob-happy all week.

Moving back up to uni next week. Our house has decided (well I decided and plan to convince/trick the others) to buy a cable modem or ISDN line and network the house to the internet.

Tiger tiger buring bright
I have set your tail alight.

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Latest reply: Sep 15, 2000

Too much work.

I've started working on my 3rd year project for university.

Reverse 3d transformation.

Sounds quite impressive - take a 2D pic and work out what 3D scene it came from. It would be even more impressive if I had any idea on how it was going to work. Ah well. It will work eventuallly.


I have had some weird dreams lately. One was very odd almost not like dreaming at all. It seemed too real I even felt pain. Very odd. I woke myself up and I was sweating.

Also I've been having very lucid dreams - you know the ones where you know you are dreaming. I changed some stuff around in the dream.


I've been seeing my boyfriend at the weekends. He lives in London and I don't so I've been doing the long distance relationship thing. It's not easy. I find difficult to keep leaving him and going away. All I want is to say near him.


Work is ok I will be leaving in 2 weeks to return to university - so I am getting a little demob happy.

The problem i have found with work is it gets in the way of important stuff like thinking and having fun. I like to sit and just think -collating my thoughts and deciding.

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Latest reply: Sep 5, 2000


Do virtual pets get virtual fleas?

What happens when vombies die?

And finally -

Three men are sitting in a room smoking cannabis. After a few spliffs they run out of gear. One of the men stands up and says, 'Look, we've got loads more tobacco, I'll just nip into the kitchen and make one of my speciality spliffs.'

Off he goes into the kitchen where he takes some cumin, turmeric and a couple of other spices from the spice rack, grinds them up and rolls them into a spliff. On his return he hands it to one of his smoking partners who lights it and takes a long drag. Within seconds he passes out. Ten minutes go by and he's still out cold, so they decide to take him to hospital. On arrival he is wheeled into intensive care.

The doctor returns to his friends and asks, 'So what was he doing then?


'Well sort of', replies one of the guys, 'But we ran out of gear, so I made a home-made spliff.'

'Oh' replies the doctor, 'so what did you put in it?'

'Um, a bit of cumin, some turmeric and a couple of other spices.'

The doctor sighs, 'Well that explains it.'

'Why, what's wrong with him?' demands one of the men.

The doctor replies, 'He's in a korma.'

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Latest reply: Aug 23, 2000

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