Hyperland to Hypertext Adams-Nelson

There has been an issue with rendering this entry, please contact the editors. Test Douglas Adams HyperlandHere Douglas Adams discusses the then ground-breaking concepts which just 20 years later we take for granted. Not much description as google seems to take delight in wiping channels with no recourse. Too much work to just start again so I'm just uploading the rarer & more critical stuff. Hi to all my YT pals. I do not claim any rights yada yada .yada.Entertainment
watched Hyper Land today and it prompted a memory of listening to this on a rare visit to London in 2016, I live in Sweden. I remember it very clearly I was driving into The west End via Knightsbridge and this came on just as I was going past Harrods.
Robbie Stamp has an imagined conversation with his late business partner and friend Douglas Adams, who he last spoke to on the night before the author's death in 2001. Xanadu, Ted Nelson.Computer Lib #GrubStreetJournalhttps://longhairedmusings.wordpress.com/2019/09/01/xanadu-ted-nelson-computer-lib-grubstreetjournal/
#GrubStreetGreySpace, Re-discovering Re-Cycling Re-Invigorating renewal #HermeneuticsExegesisFluxCapacitor #MetaTag #HyperTextOverDrive #hypertext #hypermedia #Transclusion #virtuality #intertwingularity #teledildonics #TedNelson

Bringing the early vision of the Web back into focus and implementing them on web 3Tiddly WickiBeaker BrowserAlexandriaOpen Index protocolIPFSZeroNetXanaduGopherHyperMedia Hyper-Ventilation HermeneuticsExegesisFluxCapacitor Now! The Peoples ComputerLiberationFront.?? The Liberated Computer front of AI?COmputing as if people mattered.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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