This is the Message Centre for perran


Post 1

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

Welcome to h2g2! My name is Amy Pawloski aka "paper lady", but you can call me Amy, Amy P, paper lady, or any combination thereof smiley - winkeye I'm one of the ACEs, or Assistant Community Editors. We welcome newcomers ("newbies") and try to be helpful in general--though you'll find that most folks here on h2g2 are pretty helpful, even if some do come across as a bit strange or abrasive at firstsmiley - ok If you have any questions, you can ask me by replying to this post, or by clicking my name up there and posting to my Personal Space. Despite rumors to the contrary, I'm not on here 24/7, but I am subscribed to this conversation, and I will see it when I get back onlinesmiley - ok

So, now that you've stumbled upon h2g2 (which you will see some folks refer to as "hootoo" as well--I just never liked that term, aestheticallysmiley - shrug), what is there to do? My fellow ACE, Vip, has written an excellent guide at A87766366. I'd suggest bookmarking it, though I'm planning on leaving you some links right here, as well. (In case you didn't know, you can get back to any conversation you've replied or subscribed to by clicking on "My Space"--that will bring you back "home"smiley - biggrin If you feel your Personal Space (PS) is a bit plain, you can check out "Pimping Your Personal Space" at A87679859smiley - ok) If you have a bit more time, you can take the h2g2 Tour at A42445226.

Now, for a bunch of links:

You can find folks to talk to at Askh2g2 at A148907
If you like to write, queries about the Edited/Approved Guide are answered here: A77393154, and Peer Review is at
h2g2's Create project is at U14992038
The simplest way to find things to read is to go to the Front Page
For the latest news, subscribe to the conversation threads on the h2g2 Announcement page A85834173

One last thing: You are currently reading h2g2 in its new look, which is called Pliny (unless you're a returning Researcher, in which case you've probably settled back into your old skin--and, if so, Vegiman has opened a page to enable old friends to be re-united A87756907). Pliny is still a work in progress so you may find that some things don't work. Our Tech team are working hard to iron out these bugs but you can choose to use one of the older skins. You can select them permanently in Preferences (below the search box) (you can change your display name there, as well, if you'd like--some people change theirs regularly, or add things). They're graphically a bit more dated but don't share those bugs.

Have a mufflewhump!

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