This is the Message Centre for Satan - Lord of the Underworld

God and Satan

Post 1


You're wrong about the "There has to be a Satan". Just as dark is an abscence of light, evil is an abscense of good. And, I wonder, who was it that said "Proof denies faith and without faith I am nothing."
Nice try anyway, but I already know 2 people who have repeatedly proved that they are too evil to be mortally human...

God and Satan

Post 2

Satan - Lord of the Underworld

I meant that as there is a h2g2 researcher called 'GOD', there ought to be one called 'Satan' as well. So I created one smiley - bigeyes

I agree with your evil as an absence of good thing... and similarly, I think Hell is an absence of God. Or something like that.

But I'm not here for theological discussions... I'm just here to say things like 'Bwahahahaaa!' and generally annoy people.

(sticks a fork in Aurora)

God and Satan

Post 3


**Dodges the fork, and waves her newly-gained light sabre at Satan**. Aah, now I get it. And Buwahahaha is a very fun thing to say now and then. smiley - winkeye

God and Satan

Post 4

Satan - Lord of the Underworld

(tortures a passing weasel)

God and Satan

Post 5


That wasn't necessary! Go torture [email protected] instead! He claims to be Satan.

God and Satan

Post 6

LUCY FUR - Lady of the Sexy Underwear

And I am here to flirt with everyone in a very devilish way.
*Flitters eyelashes at Aurora*

God and Satan

Post 7


**Backs away veeeery slowly**

God and Satan

Post 8

LUCY FUR - Lady of the Sexy Underwear

Well, you'll never escape from me at that speed, I'm not a tortoise, you know. smiley - winkeye
But then, no-one can EVER escape my clutches! smiley - bigeyes
Aurora, as a seer, you should realise that your destiny is now completely DOOMED!

God and Satan

Post 9


I learned that years ago, and have since come to terms with my destiny. I hit an asteroid somewhere in the vacinity of Betegeuse.

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