Journal Entries

Dead Laptops.....

As it says above my laptop is dead, somthing that greatly upset me at the time. Now most of the important information was backed up, i´ve had too many crashes before to lose any real amounts of work. Now luckly its under warinty and so all i have to do is send it back to where it came from and then some time later it will return to me shiny and working. Well normaly that would be fine but at the moment i´m studing in Iceland and so the puter must be sent back to the UK. Now are might be expected when such things go wrong, there are always complications.
My puter died on a sataday night, the same sataday that my parents left for a holiday. So now it would be 10 days before i could even send it home let alwon have it fixed and sent back. So thinking over the weekend i decide that perhaps what i will do is buy a book, there were several that i could think of to buy, and i thought that i could read it dueing the times that i would normally be working or more lickly playing on the now lifeless laptop.
So I bought and read 'The state of the art´ by Iain M. Banks however it did not last long and soon i had read it and then read ´against a dark background´ and ´Feersum Endjinn´ all of which i enjoyed. Next a new friend of mine here in iceland lent me his copy of ´the compleate works of edgar allen poe´ which i read, after that came the fellowship of the rings which this morning i finished.
Now i can not remeber the last time i found enough time to just sit and read for the simple pleasure of reading - as aposed to sit and read ´cous i have an exam in 3 weeks time smiley - winkeye - i can recomend to everyone who has a computer that everyonce in a while they switch it off and find lots of time do do other things.

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Latest reply: Nov 13, 2001

plato and perfection

I was told the other day of a remarcable thing that Plato wrote...he said " There is somewhere in the universe, one perfect example of all things that exist, and everything else is just a shadow of that one"

in other words there is one perfect door, one perfect cup, one perfect piece of harded chewing gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe.

this made me think....where are all these perfect things, eg. where is the perfect man, or woman, or indeed the perfect cup. If you belive that you know where there is an example of a perfet thing tell me so i can look at it as well smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Aug 20, 2000

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