This is the Message Centre for endless_cups_of_tea

Hi there, endless_cups_of_tea ...

Post 1

Shea the Sarcastic

Welcome to h2g2, endless_cups_of_tea! Have some more smiley - tea! My name is Shea, and I am an Assistant Community Editor (ACE). ACEs are a group of volunteers that wander around h2g2 welcoming and helping new Researchers. If you want to ask me a question, or need help with anything, just hit the "Reply" button and leave a message, I'll pop back in the next time I’m here and help you in any way I can!

h2g2 is a wonderful site! It's an online encyclopedia written by people like you! You can read, you can write Guide Entries, and you can talk to other people. There's lots to keep you busy around here! There’s a tour you might want to read: dontpanic-tour ... a great introduction to the website! If you'd like to contribute to the Guide with an Entry, check out the Writing Guidelines at A53209

If you're interested endless_cups_of_tea, you might want to check out The Post's smiley - thepost page of links to clubs and societies around h2g2 at A660304

If you ever want to talk to a Researcher, just click on their name. That will take you to their Personal Space, and you can leave them a message there (like I'm doing now!) by clicking on the 'Leave A Message' button.

Most importantly endless_cups_of_tea, have fun! You might find yourself meeting some great new friends! I know I have! smiley - smiley

- Shea the Sarcastic smiley - artist

Hi there, endless_cups_of_tea ...

Post 2


Hi there! Thanks for the welcome! I hope to get into the habit of posting a little, mainly cos its fun smiley - smiley Laughed out loud to the Chicago Cubs entry!

Hi there, endless_cups_of_tea ...

Post 3

Shea the Sarcastic

Hi there again! You're welcome! smiley - biggrin

It's a little intimidating around here ... it's so *BIG*! It took me a few months after I signed up to get up the nerve to start posting. Now I can barely keep up with all the Conversations I'm in! smiley - laugh

I remember that Chicago Cubs entry! There are some good ones out there! I like going on the Front Page and hitting the link that says "Infinite Improbability Drive" ... you never know what kind of Entry it'll spit out at you!

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