This is the Message Centre for h2g2 Arts Editors
Our official e-mail
shagbark Started conversation Nov 12, 2011
early attempts to send e-mail via not panicking were unsuccessful.
but now we have an official e-mail address that seems to work
I just yesterday sent an e-mail to artistsat
h2g2 dot com
this was in relation to the existing graphic on the Michigan article (A143849)
Our official e-mail
shagbark Posted Nov 12, 2011
some of the other members of the artists group may remember the discussion over on noesis about this. I have submitted a photo that I think would be better than the current graphic.
Our official e-mail
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Nov 12, 2011
thank you shagbark
Although you sent it now could you still submit it to the PR section on noesis please? There the Guide Editors can see it and it can be discussed if necessary.
Just use a thread name lik the existing ones.
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Our official e-mail
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