This is the Message Centre for a girl called Ben

The Rolling North America Meet - Postponed...

Post 1

a girl called Ben

This is just to announce that GTB and I have come to the conclusion that the different and rather complex things which have happened to each of us this spring mean that we are going to have to postpone the Rolling Meet.

The decision came to both of us as a mixture of relief, sadness and frustration, but I have no doubt that it is the right decision for each of us. As we say on the Home Page for the Rolling Meet: "If you are going to do something spontanious, it is best that you do it quickly".


The Rolling North America Meet - Postponed...

Post 2


Sad for you.
smiley - choc
(Well, 'disappointed' would probably be a better word but it wouldn't look the same smiley - erm)

Next year perhaps?

The Rolling North America Meet - Postponed...

Post 3

a girl called Ben

I hope so, but we need to get this year out of the way first. I pulled an angel card on my birthday for the next year, and got 'strength' and I am still wondering if it is a threat or a promise...


The Rolling North America Meet - Postponed...

Post 4


Has the world been raining on you?

The Rolling North America Meet - Postponed...

Post 5

a girl called Ben

Well, as Nanny Ogg's younger sister, I don't get wet. It hasn't really rained on me yet, but the road has had some interesting twists and turns recently.


The Rolling North America Meet - Postponed...

Post 6


smiley - yikes You've just had a couple of interesting years! Has someone cursed you d'you think?

The Rolling North America Meet - Postponed...

Post 7

a girl called Ben

Hell, no! I am an Aries - I get bored if life is the same way two weeks in a row!


The Rolling North America Meet - Postponed...

Post 8


Woohoo! I had an Aries lover once (Not someone who loves Aries I hasten to add, but somehow "Aryan" didn't sound right smiley - laugh). That was very interesting - I'm a Scorpio... smiley - yikes

The Rolling North America Meet - Postponed...

Post 9



The Rolling North America Meet - Postponed...

Post 10

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Mine's Aries too!

Bad luck, Ben. It sounded so interesting and I was looking forward to your doing it - a sort of vicarious adventure, really. smiley - magic (I have to confess to a certain amount of envy too, but only a little.)

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Rolling North America Meet - Postponed...

Post 11

a girl called Ben

Aries / Scorpio - Just Don't Do It!

I hate letting people down, Zarquon, and everyone is being so nice about it. Hopefully life will settle down into a more lucrative pattern soon!


The Rolling North America Meet - Postponed...

Post 12

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Should we start a whip-round? Put me down for CDN$20 to start.....

This too shall pass, we'll all meet up eventually. Although the Farmer's Almanac calls for a particularly awesome summer this year.

smiley - cheers

The Rolling North America Meet - Postponed...

Post 13

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Ours is an Aries/Virgo relationship. Interesting and somewhat challenging.

Yes, Ben, I hope things come together for you so you can get to do it. I suppose there's nothing that says I should be a spectator forever - I can't imagine doing something as adventurous with little smiley - fish in tow, though!

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Rolling North America Meet - Postponed...

Post 14


Well our Virgo/Scorpio certainly seems a lot calmer than the Aries/Scorpiosmiley - monstersmiley - skull was smiley - laugh.

Your time will come Singing Fish. How old is little smiley - fish?

The Rolling North America Meet - Postponed...

Post 15

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Seven and a half. Boy. Fair, blue eyed and cute. smiley - angelsmiley - devil

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Rolling North America Meet - Postponed...

Post 16

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

I'm in a male/female relationship. It's probably a lot easier than messing around with sheep and scorpions. I recommend it highly.

The Rolling North America Meet - Postponed...

Post 17

a girl called Ben


The Rolling North America Meet - Postponed...

Post 18

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

Hehe... couldn't resist.

I don't see much point in investing value in astrological compatibility. Mine is only half right. For instance, I'm a Virgo, and they're supposed to be somewhat distant, but I've got you on record as saying I'm passionate, and it's too late to retract it. smiley - winkeye

They're also supposed to be very ordered and neat, and the many ways in which I'm neither drive my wife to distraction.

The Rolling North America Meet - Postponed...

Post 19

a girl called Ben

My sister and my brother and one of my previous lovers were all Virgo. My sister and brother are definitely rather distant.

The lover was definitely passionate. But dispassionate too, if that makes sense. Rational about his passions. I confess he surprised me when he said he was a Virgo.

Go figure.


The Rolling North America Meet - Postponed...

Post 20

The Dragonlady~There are no ugly women in the world, only neglected ones!

Hi Ben!
You certainly are "abroad"smiley - laugh. You're half way around the world from heresmiley - yikes
Sorry you can't come. I was going to offer my place for you guys to camp for a night or two.....
Maybe another timesmiley - love
smiley - dragonLady Karen

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