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Onwards with FAQ's

Real progress, Peta has obviously read some of this and set up a central area for asking questions about the transition A3896436 this is really good as it is for all boards and I think there was a danger of this just becoming a Mustard crusade.

On the other hand it makes me laugh to think how the 606 tribes will handle this. Danger is that the Troll's, numpties and school kids who invest the place will probably find it easier to make the change. Funny how Troll's are tech savvy!

Peet (I'm going to end up confusing Peet & Peta's names I'm sure) has worked really hard on this and given a whole new meaning to working like a Trojan. Guess he & Katy will now be known as the condom kids! smiley - evilgrin

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Latest reply: Apr 16, 2005

First Entry 15 April

So I've decided to put this spare space to some use, hopefully it will help those who wish to know more how DNA in general, & h2g2 in particular, work.

It's been inspired by the air of Panic in ML, over the now inevitable transition to a new version of TB etc, and it has to be said that the conversion of POV from old to new does not inspire confidence.

Still Mr Keri has given some solid re-assurances and Peta tried to answer questions. Peet and Katy have been absolute Trojans too, but some people have seemed critical of these efforts - though hopefully it was not their intention to be so.

I think the BBC are handling this badly, obviously not well versed in change management! smiley - rofl The nature of a message board, and especially one like the current set up, where posts simply go after a short time, means informative threads about this soon slip off the radar. Thus as people find out, the same questions get asked. This then annoys those who've read it all before, revs up those who are already worried and infuriates those who don't want to discuss it at all! The BBC should have set up a FAQ and feedback board for all users, as all the Boards are going to be transitioned. Obviously ML would like it's own one of those.

Another confusion seems to be about h2g2 and the new ML. It seems to me that they will not be remotely comparable. Technology aside, h2g2 is a wide ranging community, with it's hub being the anchor of your home space. ML/TB etc is a message board that has developed a sense of community - the difference is massive. TB etc has it's hub a central list of questions and debate and no real side alleys, off shoots and personal space, precisely because it's single real purpose is as a message board. So people coming here are better off enjoying it for what it is and not expecting it will be anything like TB2 - it has quite different strenghts and weaknesses. That said, if they can master this world they will find the new set up easier to understand, but I still think POV is the closest we've yet seen to what we will get.

Actually there's an important point there as people need to understand the weaknesses over at POV, (of which there are plenty smiley - erm,) to make sure it does not happen in ML.

Anyway this Q&A/FAQ site should help thos people who want to know more and may become the place to store comments & questions that will help ML 2 be as we want it. I hope too it helps other boards from the BBC who find themselves going through the same thing. Many are nowhere near as robust and well organised as ML and we should offer them the hand of friendship.


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Latest reply: Apr 15, 2005

Phantom Phantoms

Given a long and boring story, a mainly techno babble epic, this Phantom is back up for the real one who can be found here:

U1162291 home of Lè Phantom

If the gremlins are fixed this will be de-activated


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Latest reply: Apr 11, 2005

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