This is the Message Centre for H2G2 Mustardland Mustering Station

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Post 1


Nice to meet you, Katy. My wandering about the net takes me to all sorts of unexpected places. I am a newcomer - and a stranger, I suppose. I peeped into some of the Mustardland conversations and enjoyed the experience. It's my second week on the net and my husband is already getting jealous. My five children are easier to comfort - they keep watching the telly! So can you suggest a really cosy place for an overworked mother of five to relax? I don't even need a drink!

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Post 2


Not Katy, but welcome to hootoo (H2G2), weirdo!

You will soon find yourself completely addicted (if you aren't already) to Mustardland, this place and various other websites you will no doubt discover!

Look forward to seeing you around,

(Here I am annie_cambridge, on Mustardland I'm annie_ms, but sometimes I get my two personas muddled up!)


Post 3


Thanks for popping up, Annie, and hope to see you again. Meanwhile I'm sitting in the middle of the road, like the well-known character, watching your cybermobile disappear and saying...smiley - wah

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