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Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 141


Thank you, for those replies, I'm relieved that it read ok smiley - hug

In terms of squaring the circle, it's a hard one, I'm thinking that there may be a few ways we could take an edge of two of the square but completely recognise that a circle it never should be smiley - biggrin
I'm thinking through what those may be.

Lurkers should definatly be encouraged to join the site to signal their support for it. We could actively promote the idea that lurkers are most welcome, you are perfectly entitled to enjoy the site in whatever way suits you

Love Peanut xx

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 142


Really keen to hear any ideas on encouraging lurkers. Writers are nothing without readers and we need readers. I'd also like people to feel that they could join in if they wanted but that they didn't have to join in if the didn't want to.

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 143


I wonder if we could have a contest for lurkers of some sort..I don't know how that would work.

Or a 'we love lurkers' event?

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 144

Mrs Zen

I LOVE the idea of a contest for lurkers....

But how oh how to do it. Perhaps a lurkers quiz? Too easy to sock-puppet though....

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 145


[I lurkers]

Reading is contributing. Being able to see that contribution would be really useful.

A competition where they actually have to stop lurking might be tricky...

smiley - fairy

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 146


A big shiny lurkers badge?

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 147


Alongside the we love lurkers event a 'we need you lurkers' campaign...

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 148

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

A badge like the one on my page? (Doesn't show correctly in Barlesque--see )

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 149


The point of being a Lurker is... Lurking!
A true Lurker (which I am not) will Lurk and not Post.
The Lurker contest would be won by the Lurker that has never Posted *and* has not smiley - elvis, so how would we know whom to laureate ?
Regarding following the discussions: I agree with one point of view and not with another but the arguments around the points have been voiced by others so I do not feel the need to say the same in my own words. When a point is really well made I smiley - applause but I fear not often enough.
There are those with hairtrigger responses or them that are more vocal / elaborate in the discussions and in general these opinions are heard loudest / best. Peanut has finally crossed the threshold from Lurking to Posting (sorry Peanut, you are no longer eligable for the Lurker award of the Year smiley - winkeye ) but is unsure how to contribute to the debate(s).
I think that to survive the relocation and to attract more visitors (and possibly Researchers / Authors) we need to hear from the Lurkers as well and we have to get them to voice their opinion as well.
I do not like the idea of 'Silence means Consent' and we need to know we have at least have the explicit consent of at least a majority of the Researchers. How? Dunno... a Survey? Or an Entry with a "Aye" and "Nae" thead where one only has to post their h2g2 name?

B.T.W. A 'Like' button is soooo 2010, I propose a "Thank You" button to show appreciation.

[preview] [preview] [post]

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 150


We could have a 'We Love Lurkers' week, with a special tribute to lurkers on the front page. We could do an h2g2 treasure hunt that you didn't need to be logged in for and have a prize as a t shirt, or mug. And finish it with de-lurking festival, where lurkers who de-lurkered were put into a prize draw for a mug..

Ok we couldn't guarentee that non-lurkers wouldn't answer get involved.

We could also make sure that lurkers were catered for and there were ways for them to interact with the site more ear

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 151

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Puppies, kittens, and baby chicks. The "search" function on my computer has a cute little puppy that pantomimes various activities as the search continues. Stories about kittens rescued from trees often appear on the front page of newspapers whenever there isn't a lot of hard news to report. Most people love kittens, and the few who don't are not annoyed too seriously about stories about them, so they just go off to some other story that they do like.

We could use something endearing that could be in the top of each thread or entry that contains dry material that people are likely to get into arguments about. I like dolphins, personally, and they resonate with Douglas Adams's storyline, so maybe we could have a loveable Aunty Dolphin just above the thread. She could sit in a rocking chair knitting something fluffy, and she could be saying some kind of welcome to everyone who wants to comment.

Just a thought....

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 152


Haragai, think I better mention it's not the first time I've crossed the line smiley - biggrin it's just that I'm much more of a lurker than a poster. Some years I think I could put myself forward for a lurker of year award tho.

While I might not post for year or even consecutive years, I will lurk at least 3 times a week if not more.

Knitting dolphins where else but here,love it

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 153

Mrs Zen

Well, we've spoken before Peanut. Ages ago. When I was a girl (or a Broad) called Ben. smiley - smiley


Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 154


Right this is what I’ve been mulling over.

Promoting ourselves - two core points that come to me bit obvious to state the first but we are a community.

We are not a social networking site along FB or Mums net lines. Not just cos we small but because of our unique identity. It’s really hard putting this into words, we need to promote that uniqueness but also emphasise that community aspect. We have a strong sense of ownership and belonging which is really meaningful. That much is clearly evident in people responses to the prospect of losing this site and the lengths that people are prepared to go to save it. I’m sure I’m not saying anything new here.

What are we about, we are a writing community and also a discussion site both those activities are of equal importance and I strongly feel that we have to promote both equally.

Putting aside our identity and what we do as a community. Community values can’t always been enshrined in house rules. They are more about individual and collective awareness and actions.

I mentioned inclusiveness in my ‘scary post’. We love lurkers initiative takes a little effort but it makes lurkers feel loved, a good thing, but it’s also an expression of ‘we think everyone should be equally valued’ a core community value.

Similarly a little extra awareness and emotional intelligence in discussions may go a long way to break down barriers to both contributing and sticking around for some people. I’m not saying we collectively lack those skills just that it does no harm to actively reflect on the importance of them occasionally. Prehaps particulary now as we are activitly trying to promote ourselves, best foot forwards and all

Discussing how we communicate with each other maybe a valid exercise in reminding ourselves to be supportive of each other, how we can do that, especially newbies, remembering that there is a person behind that post and raising issues of miscommunication as and when they arise. There is a sometimes quite a gulf between how a post is intended and how it’s read which if raised can usually resolved positively.

If I come across as pompous or harsh or a strong opinion sounds aggressive, I would personally rather someone say so, (nicely and perhaps on my PS rather than in the thread) so that I can fix it because a) it’s not meant and b) it’s not particulary appealing or engaging, especially for newbies who can make no allowances for knowing me and so inferring what I might have intended. (Hopefully I don't generally come across as pompous, harsh and agressive but if I do I need to know)

Again long post, not particularly getting to one point or another, but sorry I can’t fix it

smiley - hug for Mrs Zen who I remember as a girl called Ben

Love Peanut xx

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 155


smiley - hug

Peanut, that doesn't sound harsh at all.

I agree with you, I think that discussion of communication and welcoming to newbies and others is very very important,and I'm all for it..

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 156


smiley - laugh while I'm glad it didn't, I meant generally, more likely to occur in Ask, where things can be a tad fast and furious, and quite possibly fuelled by a couple of smiley - stiffdrink. Also a reflection on mis communication between whats intended to be said and whats read can lead to knee jerk reactions which aren't pretty, either to be involved in or to witness.

Love Peanut xx

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 157

Mrs Zen

Look what I've found:

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 158


I can't view that from here, Ben. What does that site do?

smiley - fairy

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 159

Mrs Zen

It's a message board for students. It struck me though that if we want to reach out to students, then places like that would be the place to start.

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 160


Ah, I see. smiley - smiley

smiley - fairy

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