This is the Message Centre for NexusSeven

Long time no see

Post 1

Hagi, Muse of Free Kicks and the Naming of Non-Human Objects

Nexus, me old china, fancy you being on-line. Its Hagi your locking partner from the 2nd XV and recipient of a letter of yours two days ago. What's up?


Post 2

Hagi, Muse of Free Kicks and the Naming of Non-Human Objects

I'm off to bed now. I'll write you an E-mail whan I get up tomorrow.
Keep well,

Long time no see

Post 3


Blimey! It's not often that I get messages from left-footed Romanian maestros who have a habit of being sent off loads in the twilight of their careers!

Anyway, nice to see you around here, matey. I see you've got the hang of things already. Like the personal space, BTW. Especially the mention of the original 'Nasty' Nick. (I assume you're familiar with UK Big Brother?... if not, it was a ridiculously popular 'real TV' programme where 10 people were isolated from the rest of humanity for 10 weeks, with 1 person being 'evicted' every week through a nominations process involving the other house members and an eventual public telephone vote. One of the contestants, called Nick, was a bit of a public school a*****e [a type of person we're both familiar with smiley - winkeye ] and cheated on the nominations. Hence his tabloid title, 'Nasty' Nick. It fits so well, don't you think? smiley - smiley

I'm currently at work and the server has been playing up all bloody day, so I've only been on-line for about an hour. smiley - sadface Typical.

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