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Sunday, cats & shopping

Post 1


Fig Lover (still no substitute for Eddy Mair) wasn't too bad this morning. Her election night pursuit of Kilroy-Silk raised a smile. There was also a sobering interview with a WWII Japanese POW camp survivor. Heavy stuff for a light programme.

Ho hum. Sue has to go out of town to feed cats. Then she'll get the shopping. I corralled her into mending my shirts this morning, and am therefore honour-bound to make her a nice tea - Steak pie with potatoes and asparagus (picked from her mum's garden). We don't usually do a proper Sunday tea. We'll also share a bottle of ale - one of the 'good' batch Sue bought last week.

I'll catch up with the final episode of Villette on R7 Listen Again tonight. It has been a very good adaptation. R7 are doing the Brontes at the minute - Agnes Gray, Villette, Jane Eyre and - coming up next week - Shirley.

Sunshine but overcast. There was hail (briefly) yesterday. Sue and I did the papers last night, ate pizza (demme fine) and drank a bottle of wine - tasters' note: It was Australian, purple, 13.5% abv, cost £3.99 and came in a screw-top bottle. See! I know all about wine I do.


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Sunday, cats & shopping

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