This is the Message Centre for sue_green

Jist deid

Post 1


Sue tells me that the shop wis jist deid aa day i'day. May Day holiday.

She had to go in, though - she had to deal with the veg delivery. The veg get delivered on Monday afternoons, and then get boxed up to go out with the deliveries.

(I asked Sue this morning why she had to go in and she said that she had to deal with the vegetables and I said "give them the day off too." I never said I was original.)

So Sue had to go in to work. She's coming home via her mother - she has some asparagus to pick. Fresh asparagus for tea tomorrow, but today it's burgers, beans and chips. Home-made burgers, mind.

I recorded a Lord Peter Whimsey adaptation off R7 last night - Whose Body. We'll maybe get a chance to listen to it tonight. Peet put a post up in Mustardland saying that Susan Carter was in it, playing the part of a saucy servant.

I was reading my Telegraph in the lecture room this morning. I turned to page 5 and demme it if I wasn't pulled up short by the sight of Emma Grundy and little George Edward pictured in full colour, denim jacket, bad hairdo and all. I choked and blurted out "that's Em Grundy" and one of my friends said "do you know her?" then gave me pitying looks as I explained. Apparently, John Mortimer is giving up on the show cos' he doesn't like the storylines, which is his privilege.

Sue and I heard a bit of the LPW last night, and weren't too impressed with the Whimsey - the voice wasn't right, but then again, when one grew up on Carmichael and Petheridge...

Fresh asparagus - well, 20 hours out of the ground. Hmmm... A quiche would be nice tomorrow, but there's no eggs.


Jist deid

Post 2

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

There's a bit of a thread about it (Wimsey) developing on the BBC7 boards:

Jist deid

Post 3


Thanks Peet - I just checked it out.


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