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Michty me!

Post 1


Michty me is a doric (the local patois of north east Scotland) expression of surprise. It means 'well I'm blowed'.

Sue has just received a totally unexpected, friendly and generous email. From out of the blue, or - to be more precise - the red, white and blue (i.e., tricolour). It will be replied to.

Today has been a damp driech day in and around Aberdeen, but it has brightened up since around 1pm. Sue's mother's two cats dragged a baby rabbit into the house and stalked it for a while before neighbours could be called in. It was removed to a place of safety. Meanwhile, our own little Elsa is within 24 hours of having her funnel removed.

There was an obituary in today's Independent - David Lean's former wife Kay Walsh has died. She played Queenie in 'This Happy Breed' and Nancy Sykes in Lean's 'Oliver Twist' which she also designed the opening scene for. She played opposite Sir John Mills several times. He died this week too. To see her at her best look out for a copy of Oliver Twist

Douglas just had a Jack Wolley moment; green beans in pot on stove with no water, black bottom beans; he also put the batter for the yorkshires in deep ceramic dish so it didn't cook! He must be a little over excited. Three very good course work marks and winning the Moot last night, emails, cats and rabbit all in one twenty four hour period.

Michty me!

Post 2


Douglas will go far. You can't expect him to attend to humdrum things like water in pans.
I still don't know what this Moot, unless it's like the Entmoot, which it probably is in a way...

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