This is the Message Centre for Tallulah B

Call Centre

Post 1

Researcher XXXXXX

have just checked out yr postings see you mention a call centre i also work in a call centre

Call Centre

Post 2

Tallulah B

Well I try not to use the term, 'cos then people think I'm the person ringing them about double glazing when they're eating their dinners! - but yes, I do.

Fun, isn't it? Mind you, there's worse I guess.

Nice of you to drop by!

Call Centre

Post 3

Researcher XXXXXX

no problem yeah people do have mis conceptions about ppl who work in call centres do you like your job

Call Centre

Post 4

Tallulah B

... well it's not the greatest, and I prefer a more varied role, but it pays the bills, and some of my colleagues are great - I think it's the people you work with that make or break most jobs!

What's your place like to work at?

Call Centre

Post 5

Researcher XXXXXX

very quiet at the moment lots of time to go on h2g2 so thats a good thing plus i dont like it when it gets mad busy call after call after call etc

Call Centre

Post 6

Tallulah B

A bit of free time at work is always nice - mind you, I was working at a place that was shutting down, once, and for the last two months we had less and less work, which got boring... and only the gaffers had proper internet access! Grrr!

Call Centre

Post 7

Researcher XXXXXX

yeah that would be annoying so where do you come from and can i get a first name or nick name or is it just tallulah

Call Centre

Post 8

Tallulah B

Tallulah isn't my given name, but it might as well be, by now! Friends call me Tal smiley - smiley

I'm a Midlander, but currently in East Anglia. Now my psychic powers tell me you're from the 'Pool or thereabouts, but do you still live there?

Call Centre

Post 9

Researcher XXXXXX

psychic as in scouse dont you mean yeah i am from liverpool and most ppl call me fred around ere and i do still live here not to far from anfield

Call Centre

Post 10

Tallulah B

That's cool, Fred! smiley - smiley

Near Anfield? You didn't spit after you wrote that, would I be right to guess you support LFC?? (if by any chance I'm wrong there, ignore and move swiftly on)

Call Centre

Post 11

Researcher XXXXXX

no tal thats right so what floats your boat and i also like most sports especially telivised ones

Call Centre

Post 12

Tallulah B

oh cr@p - just realised that I didn't reply to you - really sorry, dude. Pleased with last night's score, I guess? Mind you, the E-word won as well, didn't they.. it's a bit of a battle just below the top 3, isn't it?

When I''m not spending too much time on the internet, I guess books, films, comedy, and being with my friends and laughing lots are my main pleasures.

Call Centre

Post 13


it's a dull job isn't it?
I've worked for BT, barclays. Seven Trent, Cahoot, NTL.

MMMM, who next?

I'm really enjoying having a year off!

oh, and i love Father Ted!

(to the point of having written a fan episode called Dougals diet)

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