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I watch a program the other night Professor Brian Cox was showing a pice about fusion using a lazer I was rather suprise to see that they still had no idear why dont the take a look at fusion happening
they just might see that there are three parts to fusion and not two
there doing the second part and no first part then no fusion.
In space where this takes place every day the first part is inlimmited suplie the secon part there so much its boyound time the therd part is like the first limmited suplie once fusion hapons then the first and therd part are remade.
Take a logical simple look at fusion happening no rush and do it the way its done in space if you need more simple diagrams I will let Brain Cox have them first and the the world should have them smiley - cake

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Latest reply: Jan 5, 2011

Cold What is it

Cold covers the whole univers it get every where.
Its not a gass.
its not an attom.
it not a elimount.
It turns up in the hottice places.
It cant be a nothing
What is it HELP

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Latest reply: Jan 5, 2011

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