This is a Journal entry by jag


Post 1


I watch a program the other night Professor Brian Cox was showing a pice about fusion using a lazer I was rather suprise to see that they still had no idear why dont the take a look at fusion happening
they just might see that there are three parts to fusion and not two
there doing the second part and no first part then no fusion.
In space where this takes place every day the first part is inlimmited suplie the secon part there so much its boyound time the therd part is like the first limmited suplie once fusion hapons then the first and therd part are remade.
Take a logical simple look at fusion happening no rush and do it the way its done in space if you need more simple diagrams I will let Brain Cox have them first and the the world should have them smiley - cake


Post 2


How do you propose we look at fusion happening? Most likely what keeps the Sun going, is fusion in it´s center. That however is rather difficult to see, and most of what we can observe is the after effects of it such as heat and particle emissions.


Post 3


What your looking in the wrong place as you say the sun is where
fusion has happen and continues so look at some other place of witch there are plenty look where fusion begins right at the start


Post 4


What other places do you suggest we look? Inside stars is the only place we know of where fusion happens.


Post 5


There is places in space that stars are being made smiley - cheers


Post 6


one to look at is ORION NEBULA


Post 7


True, but it´s difficult to see any details there as it´s bloody far away.


Post 8


scientice have all types of tellascopes at there disposel but there all to involved with there own bit in stead why cant they get together using there difrent tellorscopes and nowlage but it together and come up with the anser put it on the internet and let the amatures help they did it once just looking for new stars
now do it for a perpuss to stop polustion save the plannet


Post 9


Well, we pretty much know how fusion happens, we just haven´t been able to create the necessary conditions on Earth. I´m not sure having a website with pictures of star-forming nebulas will help with that.


Post 10


no its pictures in sequence from diferent typs of xray infored
gammer ones that detect heat onesthat detect cold over a a time and with many eyes looking for sale chainges scienticed cant do it on there own it needs a million eyes to do it in the shorticed time all the photos would be of the same spot over a time


Post 11


Theres a team of scientice working with a lazer power fusion test
but they still are not doing it right fusion only takes place in the sun not out in the vacuum of space this is why they can not get it to last surly one of them should have work it out


Post 12


Why do you think they are doing it in a vacuum? Usually such experiments involves using lasers to heat helium or hydrogen to immense temperatures. However they are using rather small amounts of H or He, to avoid the heat of the laser diffusing too much.


Post 13


that is where your wrong they us the vacuum to stop contaminants geting in there experiements but the vacuum distroys there experiment just as it starts they have the fule comprest in it pot the lazer hits it BANG but at that moment wush vacuum away smiley - wah


Post 14


Well according to the theories it is the heat created by the pressure rather than the pressure itself than enables fusion. Hence the lasers, they are trying to achieve the high temperatures necessary by focusing them on a very small area.

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