This is the Message Centre for The Krylma Leader

STUMPED: Rant Fest 2000! =)

Post 241


Happy crawls off to the first aid post smiley - nurse

STUMPED: Rant Fest 2000! =)

Post 242

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

since when was there a first-aid post here? I thought SEA was the forum's first-aid post...

sea: smiley - nurse

STUMPED: Rant Fest 2000! =)

Post 243

Lord Byancbaldich a.k.a. Ancba, posting as Flopsy the Catrabbit coz he's in the Unknown Regions

[Flopsy pours the booze into Happy's wounds]

STUMPED: Rant Fest 2000! =)

Post 244


Thankyou Flopsy - this forum aquired a first aid post when I decieded I kneaded one - its manned by a staff of dedicated volenteers - Sea if you want to join them you can - if you want to take over from them then your going to have to fight them smiley - clown

STUMPED: Rant Fest 2000! =)

Post 245

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea giggles hysterically at the sight of the two halves of happy crawling away toward the first aid post*

*stunned silence*

[sea] we have a first aid post?! why didn't anyone tell me?

STUMPED: Rant Fest 2000! =)

Post 246


Come-on the ammount of damage we do to each other ? we have to have one smiley - nursesmiley - clown

STUMPED: Rant Fest 2000! =)

Post 247

soeasilyamused, or sea

[sea] well then why the heck have I been heal-

*evillene leans over to sea and whispers in her ear. sea's eyes widen*

[sea] oh. never mind.

STUMPED: Rant Fest 2000! =)

Post 248


smiley - clownsmiley - ticklesmiley - nurse

STUMPED: Rant Fest 2000! =)

Post 249

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

[NYC] evillene, can you fill me in on this last revelation? I think I might find this rather interesting...

[evillene] no.

[NYC] is that your final answer?

*evillene smacks NYC*

STUMPED: Rant Fest 2000! =)

Post 250

soeasilyamused, or sea

[evillene] that's for us to know, and you to alwyas wonder about.

*sea turns slightly pink in embarassment, then turns as red as a smiley - tomato *

STUMPED: Rant Fest 2000! =)

Post 251

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

*comprehension dawns in NYC's head*

ahh... *NYC grins widely*

STUMPED: Rant Fest 2000! =)

Post 252

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea turns an even brighter red. evillene laughs hysterically at her*

STUMPED: Rant Fest 2000! =)

Post 253

The Corrupt One (MIA)

*mutters* Time for less talking, more torturing. Hmmmmm....

*the thoughtful "hmmmmm..." was brought about by the sight of an interesting piece of equipment in the corner, which Corrupt immediately recognises the signifigance of. She shoves Kudos into a seat and strapps him down. She catches Happy Dude and straps him to a seat next to him. She shoves weird looking helmets on their heads (see where I'm going with this?) and fires up the machine. Smoke billows from it, and clears, and Corrupt releases the two.*

Kudos: smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - clown

Happy Dude: What the--NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! *looking at himself* I've become my arch-rival!!!!!!!!

*Corrupt snickers and disappears*

STUMPED: Rant Fest 2000! =)

Post 254

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea stares at the newly switched happy-kudos and kudos-dude and ponders the continuity implications of the last post. then she shrugs and starts giggling*

STUMPED: Rant Fest 2000! =)

Post 255



Just who am I now ?


Some confusion and chaos...caused by guess who, again! =)

Post 256

The Corrupt One (MIA)

Let me clarify...
Happy Dude, you are now a being that looks like Kudos but has your mind.
Kudos is a being that looks like Happy but has his own mind.
Get it???

smiley - devil

Some confusion and chaos...caused by guess who, again! =)

Post 257

soeasilyamused, or sea

[sea] like i said. kudos dude.

*sea looks at him and falls to the floor laughing*

Some confusion and chaos...caused by guess who, again! =)

Post 258

Giguschild - Xenomorph(Muse of Honourable Death...and Mu.)

Over the speaker system (hastily installed at great expense) comes the repetetive thumping of a simply constructed drum beat. A three-note base line joins it. Then, some random record-scratching is overlayed. Suddenly a door opens and Giguschild, the besuited Xenomorph, moonwalks backwards through the door. His claws skitter and slide accross the grating of the floor (also hastily installed) as he begins to twirl and slide in a wide circle around the group. As they turn to watch him, the tempo of the music begins to speed up, getting faster and faster as does Giguschild's speed. Rapidly he accelerates, spinning and ducking as he goes in an elaborate form of Hypopleptic Hong Breakdancing, a skill learned from Death Avocado. As the group turns round to watch him, he gets ever faster until eventually he is simply sprinting at top speed round and round; it is all people can do to keep up with him. Suddenly he brakes to a standstill and pulls out a small box. At the click of a switch, it begins to emit rapidly flashing light at frequencies perfectly calculated to confuse the di-bisbotic ganglio-sub lobes of their brains. At the same time, the cheesy tones of Chumbawumba played backwards and 8Hz too high wail out from the speakers. The group begins to sway from the combined effects of dizziness, the flashing lights and the advanced form of aural torture...

Some confusion and chaos...caused by guess who, again! =)

Post 259

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea falls to her knees and covers her ears, howling in pain*

Some confusion and chaos...caused by guess who, again! =)

Post 260

Giguschild - Xenomorph(Muse of Honourable Death...and Mu.)

Giguschild's finger hovers over the OFF button on the small machine. Then he slaps his forehead and jams it down on the RATHER MORE button instead.

Key: Complain about this post