Journal Entries

Parents and dog owners

Send em all to... wherever, on the B Ark.

I've done another 12-hour shift today. I can't be arsed to cook after it so I reckon I'm going for a couple of pints and some nosh at the bar across the street from where I live. I get there at a little after 9pm and take a seat at the bar. At a table not far away are a couple of people, parents presumably, and two kids - a five-year-old and an eight-year-old I reckon, and they're both making it abundantly and loudly clear they'd much rather be somewhere else, In bed. I suspect. I don't blame them.

Soon, they leave.

An hour later I notice, at a table in the opposite direction (an hour later, I said - in other words 10pm) two more people with, I reckon, a four-year-old, a seven-year-old, and a baby. At 10pm.


I can remember when I had to be in bed by 7pm. I remember it specifically because 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea finished at 7.00 and I usually didn't get to see the end of it. I can also remember having to go to bed before the end of Coronation Street, In other words, before 8pm. In both cases it was light outside during the summer months.

Where do dog owners come into this? Well, they mostly seem to think their pets are as ootsy cutesy wootsy as parents think their brats are.

They aren't. I'll be doing laundry on Saturday to get the muddy paw prints off my trousers smiley - cross

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Latest reply: May 15, 2015

It's a weird experience

Watching one of those series where they send a celebrity around Britain searching out the odd, the unusual, the traditional, the everyday and the downright barking mad... and they wash up at a place you used to work smiley - wow

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Latest reply: May 6, 2015

Isn't it a pity

That it seems to be an unavoidable part of human nature that to really appreciate something you have to go without it first, or experience the exact opposite for a short time. Take this past week for instance.

Things got a bit radio rental at work what with one thing and another, and most of us ended up working at least one double shift, or a 12-hour at the least, and one of us (me) ended up working a double shift only eight hours after a normal shift. I really don't mind long shifts, in fact I quite like them if it means I can work four days and get three days off. That's one extra day I don't have to deal with the mungheads who ride the buses in this town and the mungheads who drive them.

But I draw the line well before working 24 hours out of 32 and being up for 40 hours.

However, I had the following two days off, and oh my Bob, did they feel good smiley - bigeyes It's quite a while since I've had two days off in a row - a proper weekend (even though it happened on Thursday and Friday rather than Sat and Sun). Because of the double shift I also have today off, after working yesterday, and I still haven't lost that feeling of smiley - bigeyes

And it turns out I have tomorrow off too, before settling back down to a regular five-day week of eight-hour shifts, so that's another weekend smiley - ok The first one (Thurs and Fri) was purely for relaxation and doing nowt (although I somehow found the motivation to clean the bathroom, and finally toss out from the freezer all that suet that's been in there for... three years?). This one will be a bit more productive, including making that smiley - porkpie I've been threatening to make for a few weeks smiley - drool. I've made sure I'm really going to do it by thawing out the pork shoulder and pork belly, and buying some stock and gelatin for the jelly.

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Latest reply: May 3, 2015

I seem to be having this (other) tremendous problem with my lifestyle

I decided that today I would make dinner from whatever was on hand in the fridge and the pantry, rather than going to the shops. Ooh, a cauliflower I bought last week and forgot about. I've got plenty of cheese and milk - cauliflower cheese smiley - drool I've got enough eggs and semolina flour to make pasta, I've got some refried beans left over from the batch I made last week, and I've got a little bit of ham in the fridge and some cherry tomatoes too. Dessert is already sorted - I made Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's pear and almond pudding cake (once again - it's delicious, I make it about once a month) a few days ago, and I can make some more custard to go with it.


I got everything ready for the cauliflower cheese, made the cheese sauce, steamed the cauli, got the ham and the refried beans out of the fridge, grated a bit more cheese over the cauliflower cheese and browned it under the grill.

I forgot to make the pasta, so I cut a few slices off a loaf of cider barm bread I made last week and has been in the fridge since then (because we're getting to that time of the year in Texas where it's so warm that you have to keep bread in the fridge or it goes mouldy in a heartbeat).

I forgot all about the ham and the refried beans until I took my empty plate back to the kitchen and saw them sitting there on the counter, and this is after I'd thought to myself 'I think I need a bit more protein in this meal... ooh, there's a package of tofu that's been in the fridge for a few weeks'.

I think I'm losing my mind smiley - silly

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Latest reply: May 1, 2015

Some of you may care to know

While more recent arrivals at Castle Gosho probably won't be aware because I haven't spoken about the cats, Dewey U188950 and Flossie U188948, for some time. When the former Mrs Gosho and I split up she got custody, and a year or two back she moved to Dallas with her new husband so I haven't seen either of them since then, but I shan't be seeing Flossie any more. She got very ill earlier this week, and today she went to the vet and didn't come back. She was 15 so she had a pretty good innings, and since Dewey doesn't go out any more (cos BV couldn't afford the vets bills following all the punch-ups he got into) she had him all to herself for the last year or so. She would have enjoyed that. Not so sure about Dewey though, being a typical boy and everything smiley - tongueout

And Flossie being Flossie, even when she was getting too weak to do little else she still made it to the food bowl smiley - droolsmiley - biggrin That's my girl, that is smiley - bigeyes

No flowers, by request.

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Latest reply: Apr 23, 2015

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There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

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