Revese Chess


Hi, I've thought up this weird variation on chess. I've called it 'Reverse Chess', mainly because you play it back-to-front.

You are only allowed to move your opponents pieces and he is only allowed to move yours.

The aim of the game is to force your opponent to take his own pieces with your pieces.

The player who is left with only the King on the board (as the King can not be taken) is the loser. The person who ends up with the King and at least one other piece is the winner.

Here are the rules - 'Hey Man Who Needs Rules!' Use them, abuse them, amend them, modify them. Have FUN!

1. The board, pieces and player sitting positions are exactly the same as in a normal game of chess.
2. All of the playing pieces move in exactly the same was as in a normal game of chess.
3. The WHITE player can only move the BLACK pieces and the BLACK player can only move the WHITE pieces.
4. If all of the WHITE pieces (except the WHITE KING) are removed from the board then the WHITE player loses. If all of the BLACK pieces (except the BLACK KING) are removed from the board then the BLACK player loses.
5. At the beginning of a player's move, if a piece is in a take-able position, then that piece MUST be taken on THAT move.
6. If there are two or more possible takes, then the taking player may choose which ONE take is made.
7. If during a player's move, the player fails to act upon a MANDATORY take and instead moves a piece without taking, then the piece that SHOULD have been taken is removed from the board. In addition, the fouled player may during their NEXT move ONLY, ignore all mandatoy takes.
8. All pieces (including KINGS) may NOT move into a space where occupation of the space would constitute a CHECK or CHECK-MATE on either KING.

Hints & Tips:
1. Don't ask me, even though I thought up this game I've only played it 3 times and in each case I lost!

This game is bit more exciting than normal chess, quite a bit faster (Gary calls it 'Speed Chess') and certainly a different metal challenge. Give it a go. If you want clarification of the rules, or if you have some suggested additions or amendments to the rules, then let me know.

Captain Flegal.

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Hi Captain Flegal.... Jul 14, 2002


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Reverse Chess Aug 5, 2000 No Replies


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Captain Flegal

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