This is the Message Centre for Golden Delicious

Hi there, Granny!

Post 1


Welcome to H2G2 smiley - smiley

My name's Bistroist and I'm one of the Guide's Assistant Community Editors (ACE's). We're a bunch of volunteers who roam this place trying to be as nice and helpful as possible, and meet and greet as many newcomers as we can.
If there's something you need help with, or just want a few links to some of the cool places in here, I suggest you visit our common homepage.

I'm not sure if you know this already, but there's a welcoming message to all newcomers over here

You'd might want to try and take the Tour of H2G2, it's over here:
(If you do try it, please tell me what you think of it, 'cause I haven't checked it out myself yet, and I'm not sure whether I should link to it in my greetings.)

Other questions you'd might like to ask? Try the "ask H2G2" and "How do I..."-forums and

btw. In case you haven't noticed, the "Don't Panic" button in the top menu bar links to an occasionally useful help section.

Don't worry if you don't understand any of this, just stick this in your ear smiley - fish


Hi there, Granny!

Post 2

Golden Delicious

Thanks Bistro!
Shall endeavour to work this thing out eventually!

Cool Site smiley - smiley

Granny Smith

Hi there, Granny!

Post 3


You're welcome smiley - smiley

If you have any problems, just yell. (Or, alternatively, post it in this thread or at my user page smiley - winkeye)

~Bistro (still endeavouring...)

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