Journal Entries

A new H2G2 for me, musings of why?

My old entry, now unlockable and unreachable, ironic really, a friend I'd not heard from seems to have been communicating, 2 1/2 years now, I'm a tad late.
Name: Michael Heaven [Researcher: 119702]smiley - rocket

What is it about old friends, those for a season. I'm prone to desires to keep all friends forever and yet I meet people, Mike, Wendy and so on that are really great friends one day and gone the next, as though a dream.
It gives a bad taste in the mouth, how can they be so callous with others feelings, to just drop off the earth into the sea of 6 billion? I don't understand it as it's something I couldn't do.
I'm happy to cut off people if they cross a line or do something bad but both of the above this is not the case, just click and gone.
In a strange world we find ourselves in.
In some ways I'm just sad, these people knew me from another life, a life before my love and I found each other smiley - smooch. They would be surprised maybe, happy certainly that a search for meaning had come to fruition in a most surprising locale. My love would've liked them I'm sure but my love has that quality that they did not.
I do miss them, we had good talks about life and it's meaning. Good laughs and good times. It seems perverse in a way that one being very much into computer games and another very much into computers that they couldn't use them to stay connected, the way I can with my love and others on four continents.
Now I wonder, did I see Mike in Pusan that time or just imagination. Will I see Wendy walking around the lake at the centre of Ballarat? I cannot wait for the seasonal friends to awake, our lives have all moved on, just mine with some regret for their loss. A fault perhaps? I wish we all had such faults, to care for all deeply enough not to lose a friendship.smiley - hug

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