Journal Entries
YES!!! Sweden won the World Cup!
Posted Jun 15, 1999
After a thriller game against Russia, Sweden won the Handball World Cup final! Russia were in the lead most of the game but even though the Swedish team Captain, Magnus Wislander, was shown the red card we fought on and won with 25-25! An incredible feat by the Swedish National Team in generall and by Ljumobir Vranjes, Peter Gentzel and Pierre Thorsson in particular.
I couldn't be happier!
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Latest reply: Jun 15, 1999
School's out for summer!
Posted Jun 4, 1999
Ten weeks of doing hardly anything ahead of me!
Could it be better?
As a matter of fact yes.
I could have had ten weeks of fun ahead of me but a long rest will have to do! :^)
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Latest reply: Jun 4, 1999
One day left...
Posted Jun 3, 1999
School ends for teh summer TOMORROW!
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Latest reply: Jun 3, 1999
Just plain dull and boring...
Posted May 21, 1999
Well the Party thing came to nothing and I am looking forwar to having a completely dull, boring and uniteresting weekend with LOADS of homework to do...
Cheers toa ll you lucky bastards wh acctually have a social life!
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Latest reply: May 21, 1999
Posted May 20, 1999
My very first article(not even particularily goodwas accepted today!
Am I happy?
I feel so good I think I'll go to a party tomorrow!
Apart from this nothing out of the ordinary has happened in Sweden.
The Star Wars hysteria has settled and we Swedes have finaly realized that we won't see the movie until August! (*sob*)
But I ain't mad(or not particularily anyway)...
Have a great time and May the Force be with You!
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Latest reply: May 20, 1999
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