Journal Entries
Two years of lurking - I no fear...
Posted Jun 26, 2004
Sad really - I like H2G2, but I seldom find the time...
I really should spend more time here though, looking back at previous journal entries is rather... embarassing really!
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Latest reply: Jun 26, 2004
Posted Jun 12, 2000
It's now 42 weeks since I saw Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace!!!
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Latest reply: Jun 12, 2000
Posted Aug 20, 1999
I saw it twice yesterday(or the day before yesterday really) and it was truly magnificent!
I am of course talking about Star Wars: Episode I...
Going to the premiere was something very much out of the ordinary and I recieved many comments for my fine Imperial Uniform(so what if the empire does not exist in SW:EI?)!
It was great fun mingling with all the other fans and of course the highlight of the eavning was to see the movie we had all been waiting for so long!(I could have seen it months ago on DVD but being an idealiost I passed the offer! ;^)
It was GREAT!
Once again a big HURRAY for Sandrews Cinemas whoo made this night a very special one not only by showing this great movie, giving us great places to sit and having the best sound and seats but also for having invited to special guests to introduce the movie: The Darth Lords of Sith, Maul and Vader(The latter escorted by two imperial Storm Troopers!). This was a great surprise and it made us all feel even better!
I do have a few complaints though:
The Introducton(the floating yellow text) had been translated to Swedish!
Too much CG(even if it was VERY good it was rather tiresome because you DO see the differance! It is not the same feeling...)
Jar Jar was ok but a bit irritating sometimes!
To sum it up I give this fantastic movie 4 out of 5 imperial stars:
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Latest reply: Aug 20, 1999
All things dull and boring(allmost)
Posted Aug 17, 1999
Well, schools started again and I am begining to adjust to the old routines.
I am looking forward to(irony) having a very tought year with loads of test, reports to do and home work!
The light in the end of the tunnel is not even in the end but tomorrow when I and five comrades are going to see the Star Wars premiere!!!
This shows that I might not have such a bad, bad time in front of me after all!
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Latest reply: Aug 17, 1999
The Force was with us!
Posted Aug 6, 1999
Yahoo! After nine hours of queing(it was fun, really :^) outside the "Cinema Palace"(a.k.a Bio Palatset) we(that is I and three friends) got our selves tickets for the premiere of Star Wars: Episode I!!!
This feels WONDERFUL and I can feel the force flowing throug my room in streams originating from a locked black steelbox containing the tickets! As Per P stated: "I have never in my life carried anything as valuable as this in my wallet and I'm not letting them out of sight 'til I'm safly at home if even then!"
The Force was really with us yesterday!
(For all of you who might wonder the premiere is on 19/8 00.01. And yes, Sweden is behind the rest o}f the civilized world when it comes to most things such as this!)
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Latest reply: Aug 6, 1999
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