8i& 8ird

#ello &reeting$, #ow are you, £ine I #ope.

Ye$ it'$ me 8ig 8ird.

I reali$e t#at the £ont i$ $tran&e 8ut my key8oard i$ 8u$t and I can't po$$i8ly a££ord to 8uy a 8etter one, $o I am $tuck wit# t#is $tupid piece o£ junk.

Anyway my name is £rank 8ird, I'm 47 and remem8er well t#e ori&inal $erie$, #itc# #iker$ &uide to the &alaxy on the 88C.

8oth my $on$, 18 (that's ei&hteen not 18) and 20; $tran&e name$ I know 8ut t#ey only #ave t#em £or a year, loved the recorded s#ow and no dou8t $o will my dau&#ter, 2.5!

Anyway enou&# of t#at I'm off to add $ome entrie$ $o w#ere did I put t#at £lu££y 8at# towel.


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8i& 8ird

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