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Why not.

It's all much better, and I am no longer limping. I am back to laughing at other peoples unfortunate stupid mistakes.

For now.

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Latest reply: Aug 2, 2000


I should have been at work this, and yesterday morning. Racing around in a transit van, trying to find damaged people within 8 minutes. But I am at home.

I fell out of the loft.

I cut my foot on a paint tin when I landed smiley - sadface

How embarrasing is it to sit in A+E at hospital?
...when you normally bring the idiots in.

How stoopid do you have to be to hurt yourself in a DIY disaster.

Most important why can't we turn back time, just 5 seconds would normally do? I mean, is it *too* much to ask?

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Latest reply: Jul 23, 2000

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