This is a Journal entry by Mostly Harmless


Post 1

Mostly Harmless

I should have been at work this, and yesterday morning. Racing around in a transit van, trying to find damaged people within 8 minutes. But I am at home.

I fell out of the loft.

I cut my foot on a paint tin when I landed smiley - sadface

How embarrasing is it to sit in A+E at hospital?
...when you normally bring the idiots in.

How stoopid do you have to be to hurt yourself in a DIY disaster.

Most important why can't we turn back time, just 5 seconds would normally do? I mean, is it *too* much to ask?


Post 2


Couldn't u go in the Tradesman's entrance round the back,
as u are on the team?
Anyroad,if u watched 'Brain Story' last week ,u will know
that we are living in the past as it is...and according to
Feynman,time may not really exist to be turned back....
Be seeing u,8^D


Post 3

Mostly Harmless

Well I didn't even notice anyone had replied.
How nice that someone took the trouble to be ignored for two weeks!
I didn't use the rear entrance(!) But I did get seen, including Xray in and hour and a half.
I don't know if you are familiar with Englands A/E units on a Friday night, but that is *very* quick.

Thanks for caring, 'cos I get paid to and I don't. smiley - sadface

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