This is the Message Centre for patriciaij

Greetings, Medusa the Golden Dragon!!

Post 1


Welcome to the wonderful world of h2g2!! smiley - smiley

I'm one of the Assistant Community Editors or more shortly just ACEs, and I'm here to make you feel more like home here in case you feel lost... smiley - winkeye

So, to make the beginning of your journey in h2g2 a bit easier, let me show you some places around here:

The newcomer's welcome page is a place where you can introduce yourself both to other newbies and "older" researchers - they are all really friendly people:

And the ACEs homepage where you can find all of us if you need any help:

The quick reference guide contains lots of useful links:

And the front page, which you can always find by clicking the logo in the top left corner of the screen, always contains the most recently added entries, busiest conversations and other interesting links.

Now just bravely jump into the conversations - everyone here is likely to be willing to meet you! smiley - smiley

And don't forget that we also wish you to help us building the Guide by writing interesting & useful guide entries - if you're lacking the ideas about what to write, you can always check out the Index of unwritten guide entries here:

If you have any questions - I'm here! smiley - smiley

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Greetings, Medusa the Golden Dragon!!

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