Journal Entries

Happiness is a new phone...

I just got a new phone today. After two years of having the Nokia 5190, I've decided to upgrade to an Ericsson T18z. It's a neat little toy. I like the fact that it listens to me. It's got voice activated dialling. It's got voice activated call answering and rejecting. It's got customizable ringers that you can create yourself using musical standards. It's small. It vibrates when it rings. It's got a flip. It's got a personality. And I've got it. Comparitively, it's not the most fantastic phone on the market, but it's got its uses. And I like it. It's my new toy. My hands-free kit also has a built in FM receiver, so I can look like I'm talking to myself, then end the call and bop along to a choice of radio stations. All I need is a mobile coffee shop and I'm good to take on the world...

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Latest reply: Jul 16, 2000

Just one of those things...

Being cynical, ironic and mildly bitter, I have to relate what is probably the most ironic thing I've ever seen. I was strolling down Ste. Catherine's St. here in Montreal, and I was passing in front of Chapters (a major bookstore chain) where two young gentlemen agreed to disagree in a most personal way. To put it simply, they were slapping each other silly. As the crowd gathered, my gaze was drawn to the window display of the store, wondering if it was about to be abruptly redecorated. The display consisted of a collection of self-help books regarding controlling anger and managing one's temper. At this point, I was tempted to wade into the fight, grab both by the scruff of the neck, and point out that they could really use a good read. Of course, being the bitter and cynical person that I am, I simply wandered off to the bar for a quick pint.

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Latest reply: Jul 15, 2000

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