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Can I sign up?

Post 1



I was raised as a vegetarian....though my current profession makes it difficult to stay that way I am trying the best I can.

(Unfortunatly I do slip and eat one's perfect)

Could I sign up please?


Can I sign up?

Post 2

Researcher 177704

Of course you can join. I'm sure Fords_Prefect, who is the lovely person that runs this society, will be along soon to add your name to the official members list.

Let's hope that being a member of the HVS is as supportive for you as it was for me smiley - smiley

smiley - rocket

Can I sign up?

Post 3

fords - number 1 all over heaven

No worries - just give me 2 seconds to log on again and you're done. smiley - smiley


Can I sign up?

Post 4


Thank you...

Can I sign up?

Post 5


smiley - biggrin

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