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Need some ideas
There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Started conversation Apr 5, 2002
Can any of you suggest some tasty vegetable side dishes? I mean, like, spuds any which way, carrots with a bit extra, broccoli that's not just steamed, spinach with some excitement. There's a restaurant near where I live which has an entire vegetable side dish section on its menu, and you can have a three-veg or a five-veg plate (scroll to the bottom). Oh, and to avoid any confusion, on the actual menu you get at the restaurant, it says after macaroni cheese "(Considered a vegetable in Oklahoma)"
Ta ever so
Need some ideas
roadtripchick Posted Apr 6, 2002
I am not really good with food but here is an idea and it is really good for summer.It is cut up and onions marinated in italian dressing. pop it in the refigerator.serve it up as is or what me and my family usually end up doing is eating out of the refigerator before the picnic.
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