This is the Message Centre for Wick


Post 1

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Hi! Is it you? I think it's you but I'm confused as there are many Wicks which aren't you...
If it was you, nice to meet you at the meet!


Post 2


Yes it is me. The question is am I who you think I am?
Yes, I was at the meet (desperately trying to remember who everyone was smiley - erm).



Post 3

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Well are you called Will and did you foolishly go with a group of insane student-esque people who got stuck on a tube train? smiley - winkeye
If so then I was the girl with the umbrella who insisted on stealing the policemans hat smiley - smiley
If you go to Emily's page then there are photos up of our group if you've not seen them already.


Post 4


And being with studenty type made me feel a bit younger smiley - smiley


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