This is the Message Centre for Freddie

Hello Freddie

Post 1


Hiya Freddie

Just came to welcome you to H2G2 and to wish you a lot of fun looking around and meeting people.

If you have any problems just click on the logo at the top left corner and follow the links, try and visit the Newcomer's page and the ACEs homepage as people there should help you out. If you want tell me any problems you have and I'll see if I can help (or send you in the right direction if I have no idea).


SallyM smiley - smiley (ACE)


Post 2

Fashion Cat

Greetings! I'm a Guardian Angel, here to help your transition into this world known as h2g2!

First, and most important of all.... here's a plate of Brownies smiley - smiley

Hehe.. now you're a bit more relaxed, all I'm here to say is if you have any probs, queries etc, come to me... About anything.. where's a good place to go, where the drinks are cheap etc etc...

Here's the link to "The Overwhelmingly Huge Guide to H2G2 Clubs": always a good place to start...

And a word of advice, just nose around, find something you want to talk about and hit that reply button.. I've not been here long, and already I've made so many friends.... Everyone's just waiting to talk to you.

Come find me if you want.. Click on my name above...

Happy Hunting!!


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