Journal Entries

nothing really

well I just thought I'd type away.

Got my ntl: disc through... finally... so I might be around here a little more now I've got free internet access smiley - smiley

Anyway, just thought I'd update my journal with some stuff. Got to know a local girl through the 'net recently... umm... okay, I'm using the word 'know' a little loosely there... not met her yet, though we've talked on the phone for a while.

And I know I'm in danger of sounding like some sort of nerdy-boy here, but what the heck, she's local, so its okay, okay?!!!

And anyway, she started talking to me first...

The meeting-up part should be interesting.... see I'm actually err... quite good-looking... smiley - winkeye

and she might not be... and I know that's harsh... but... y'know... STANDARDS!!

anyway we'll go out and have fun whatever.

erm.. that's about it for now... been working really hard, had some web design work to do at work, which has been cool. My brief was to add a few new products to our site, but I took a few liberties and re-wrote the thing... smiley - smiley

Looks spanking now.

Oh yeah, the footy season! Can't wait for that to start now... I've really been missing it. The Stags (Mansfield Town) are having a nice new stadium built... can't wait to get in it, and with any luck we'll be pushing for promotion from the third division.

Might see you around the grounds then...

Best opf luck to your team, whoever they may be (unless you support Chesterfield or Notts County smiley - smiley )

Bye for now then


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Latest reply: Aug 3, 2000

Happy :-)

Yep smiley - smiley

I've found that going back into myself a little has made a big difference.. maybe I was trying to hard during my extroverted phase..

it's certainly made me feel more 'like myself', and very confident in myself with the girrrrls.. smiley - winkeye

So, I'm listening to some Jeff Buckley at the moment, getting in the mood for going out later. Should be fun smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Jul 14, 2000

Becoming more introverted

hmm. It's been a weird few days. In fact, it's been a weird 3 months or so. I turned 26 in June, and in the weeks as it approached, and ever since, I've felt like a by-stander just watching my life form around me, as if sitting down slowly in an air-chair.

Ir's a very strange feeling. I'm just shutting up and seeing what happens... dropping things out of my life, working a few less hours, and just chilling. It feels like a necessary process, it feels somehow right, but I don't have much idea why.

I think I'm coming to understand myself better as a result though, and maybe that's what it's all about. I feel ready for a bit o' love again, too smiley - smiley

I also bought some quite introspective music recently, which I've listened to three times so far today. Suits my mood at the moment. The CD is Either/Or by Elliott Smith. You may know it.

You know, this whole feeling was quite magnified by a conversation I had yesterday with the girl I met on Saturday night.. (see 'Out on the pull'). Her name is Sam, by the way, and she seems a lovely thing.

Anyway, it turns out that she knows a girl I went out with last year, Becki. hmmm... smiley - sigh... she's a hell of a nice girl. didn't work out though. That was just down to circumstances, but I can't help but feeling robbed of a wonderful episode in my life. And in hers, too.

But anyway... that's life, innit? And if you don't go through it then you're not human, so I have that to comfort me.

Maybe things'll be good with Sam, who knows? I can imagine that being really good if the circumstances are better this time..

Anyway, Journal, I keep you posted smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Jul 12, 2000

Out on the 'pull'

Last night myself and a group of friends went to a local 'barbeque' bash, with a live band etc... well, I say 'barbeque'... let's call it more of a burger-van-cum-entertaining-covers-band-social-type-evening...

Anyway, there's very little 'free' totty there right, but, last year I did rather well at this event... I went out with every intention of finding myself a nice young girl, and I did just that. We ended up in bed, went out a few times... lost touch, got back in touch, didn't work out, made friends again.. etc. etc..

But anyway, this lead to a pretty nice purple patch as far as the opposite sex are concerned. I then had a period of time where I had to do nothing to receive advances. Unfortunately, these advances weren't really from girls I'd think of going for, but they were very nice...

Anyway, I wnt with the flow for about 3 months, spent a lot of time with one of these girls, didn't really happen.. and after all this my purple patch had dissapeared y'see, and I was struggling to remember my 'regular technique'...!

Well, I went to the bash with the intention of doing as well as I did last year. It wasn't looking on. The band was about to finish, I'd missed a couple of good opportunities, and I'm thinking I've failed.

At this point, one of the guys introduces this rather fun looking girl into the group, with whom 3 of the fellas tries to get off with, and fails badly.. and then I have a bit of a comedy jig with her, get chatting...

Went back into the beer tent later, chatted for a while, and came out clutching her phone number. OK, not quite as good as last year's do, but I'd pulled!!

The conclusion I've come to is never to go for the simple option where the ladies are concerned, 'cos I just lost my touch. Thank God I found it again last night... phe-ew...!

Anyway, just as a matter of interest, the band were called QuickSilver, and they have a chap who has the Freddie Mercury act down to a tee, and a girl who does Cher (why?) and Shania Twain. They're very good y'know.

All in all a pleasant evening. Can't wait for next year smiley - bigeyes

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Latest reply: Jul 9, 2000

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