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hiya pitzel!

Post 1

Archangel Zax

can i ask you how you chose the name "pitzel"? i used to know some people with that name....smiley - smiley once upon a time long long ago on an island.....

hiya pitzel!

Post 2


Kinda a long story, but here goes:
When I was born, my parents couldn't agree on a name for me. In fact, it took them 6 weeks to finally settle on one. In the interim, they thought that I looked like a little begonia flower (don't ask me was the seventies). Pitzel is yiddish for "little", so I was called Pitzel-Begonia while they battled back and forth for a real name for me. Growing up, the nickname stuck among members of my family. I was called Pitzel by my dad, and "The P" by my grandmother. I never really liked it, but that is usually the case with nicknames that are given to people.
When I started college, I got interested in the web and quickly realized that I needed a web identity. Pitzel just seemed like a good choice, I guess.

I haven't run across any other Pitzels myself, but I have been dissappointed once or twice to register that nickname on the web and find that it has already been taken. Ah well...

smiley - smiley

hiya pitzel!

Post 3

Archangel Zax

lol! great story!

I know that feeling! i've never even HEARD of another 'Zax', but it's surprising how often it's already taken..

it's interesting that pitzel is a word in yiddish.. especially since this family i knew was german and the dad was not exactly the most non-racist person on earth... never approved of me since i'm just about every race and creed that he found offensive... only spoke to me cuz my grandfather was german! ha! maybe i'll send him a letter telling him just where his last name originated, AND that it means 'LITTLE'!!

revenge can be sweet... smiley - winkeye

so how are you? what're you up to?

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