Journal Entries

i think abbis been here
gatta go

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Latest reply: Jul 24, 2000


How did I manage to write in Muggels journal. Must have logged is as her and forgot to log out. I kept being taken to my page though...
Oh well... sorry muggel

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Latest reply: Jul 10, 2000

Oh yeah

That is so much better and she still retains her cuteness.
Good. I think I will make and H2G2 Kitty. What will people think about that. Gee I wonder.
Well, I think I will work on it today while everybody is out of the house. Yeah, ... wonder what sort of kitty she should be? Lion? Tiger? Bear? Oh my! Okay a bear isn't a kitty... How bout an alley cat?

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Latest reply: Jul 10, 2000


hi this is my frist day here and im a complte nut and its a wounder that i'm not in the asylm yet i here they pay ya i gotta go

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Latest reply: Jun 29, 2000

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