This is a Journal entry by Muggel Chicken

No Subject

Post 1

Muggel Chicken

i think abbis been here
gatta go

Yes... I WAS here!

Post 2

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

smiley - smiley Gotta a change of heart (or rather name).

You know what I figured out? Trying to be friends with Anita is like trying to be friends with a cactus.

Think Rachel and I made Ian nervous. She wants her character to be my sidekick. That way we will not forget the details. Me not think Ian like that idea. And we made up a history for her. She wants to be an exotic dancer from "the hole". he he he, and she ALREADY hates Nick 'o' teen. Hee hee hee. And Ian says that seems very likely.

Yes... I WAS here!

Post 3

Muggel Chicken

beautiful darling now what am i going to do nowthat shes your side kick huh you darling thin huh i got a new hair peice that croaks isnt that neat just up your ally

Yes... I WAS here!

Post 4

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

Duh... there is no garuntee that she will be my side kick...

Yes... I WAS here!

Post 5

Muggel Chicken

darling i was joking

Yes... I WAS here!

Post 6

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

Mwuha! I went gaming again on Monday! Then I saw the X-Men movie on Tuesday! I am wired!
And Rachel was with us on Monday. Her face roll is lower than mine (25, ouch) ... and she isn't my side kick

Yes... I WAS here!

Post 7

Muggel Chicken

to bad for her
and every one is weird

Yes... I WAS here!

Post 8

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

Oh, I do so have to tell you what happened on the planet Capo. It was just so funny what ron said about Harmony (that's rachel character). BUT! I tell you later!

Yes... I WAS here!

Post 9

Muggel Chicken

thanx for telling me about every thing that happens rember i need your addy

Yes... I WAS here!

Post 10

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

? My email address? [email protected]

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