Yarrr, Mateys!

Ahoy, everyone! Welcome to the deck of the S.S. Ineptitude. I, the SquirrelFish, will be your captain for this wonderful trip through my insane world. Welcome aboard, and i hope you know how to swim...

Ok, if you've actually read on after that opening paragraph, I guess you want to know a little about me. Too bad, since you're not going to get anything out of me here. Hey, don't complain, I don't even know you!

Still here? Damn, I guess I can't get rid of you. Oh well, feel free to hang out and poke around a little. I sure can't stop you.

I will leave you with a few words that I heard long ago and touch me still to this day. As an esteemed man (I guess) once said:

"Goooooo Bye-Bye! Yad yad yad yad yad yad yad." -Animal from the Muppet Babies

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Alphabetical Aug 18, 2000 Jan 20, 2003
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Researcher U141650


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