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More and more I cannot stand my family. The mere presence of them causes me frustration and anger. Now more than ever I feel trapped, a feeling that I can't move. Always there to nag and talk about what I am not doing. For them I want to stay the way I am which is untrue but to them it is. The moves that I want to do cannot be done now, and this turns the interaction of my family uninteresting. There is nothing that I want to do with them. I am rarely confortable in their presence. I don't know if this is odd to feel that way toward your own family but that's just the way it is for now. Until I move out and get my own place, until I am separated from my family I don't think this feeling can go away. Every move, every situation drives me crazy. I definitely need to find a way to transfer the emotions that I feel. I just hope I get going really soon, Because I am getting really tired of the way I am feeling.

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