This is the Message Centre for GarudaJones

Hello there

Post 1


Hi Chris. Welcome to h2g2. smiley - rainbow There is always something interesting to read here and great conversations. Hope you enjoy the site.


Hello there

Post 2


Why thank you
It means even more coming from a President! (see I read people's profiles already!)
I'm having tremendous fun already.
Looking forward to making atiny difference. Hope I can be of service!

Hello there

Post 3


I'm certain your help will be much appreciated, considering how short-staffed the place is. The volunteers (ace's, scouts, etc.) do a great job. You'll be up to speed in no time.

Now my pesky job is calling, and I have to sign off. I'm hosting an author for our mystery book club today and have to get things set up. I hope we have the chance to get acquainted once you've settled in.


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