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welcome to hell

Post 1

Taff Agent of kaos

you have now lost your life and have been devoured by H2G2

you will be chewed up by all the memberssmiley - tongueincheek

and if you can't stand the heat, spat out back in to the spittoon that is the BBC

your life has changed for ever, and hootoo will now dominate every waking moment

you will even dream about ussmiley - ok

have a nice time heresmiley - winkeye


smiley - bat

welcome to hell

Post 2


That's both equal parts scary and welcoming.
Ah well, they do say that Heaven's a place where nothing ever happens smiley - winkeye
I'm sure whatever awaits me, I deserve it.
I'm certainly looking forward to it

welcome to hell

Post 3

Taff Agent of kaos

smiley - cheerssmiley - alesmiley - ok

smiley - bat

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